Top! Reader X Nagisa Shiota Heart of a Soldier

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Hey Guy! This chapter was recommended by Lotus_Windows. I hope you like this since I wasn't sure where to go with it. Since they are still quite young I didn't want to make something steamy and it didn't feel right yet for Nagisa so here something that's has a little bit. Hope you enjoy my Little Oranges



------------------------------ (Y/N)'s Pov

My dull (E/C) eyes stared ahead of me as I made my way to my new campus. It just so happened to be up a giant hill. I was sent here by a secret government section to assist class 3-E in assassinating the alien-like creature who wants to destroy our world. 

Being the government's number one child, solider made me a prime candidate for this mission. With my shoulders broadened, I made my way up the big hill that was nothing in comparison to my training. My (H/L) (H/C) hair swaying behind me with confidence.

I soon stopped in front of what I assumed to be the classroom door. It looked old and about to fall off its hinges. I had made it apart of my mission to show up early so I could set up a trap before school starts. Seeing that no one's here, I got to work.

"Um excuse me?", A voice spoke up behind me as soon as I finished and this put me on alert.

How did they sneak up behind me? I spun around and tackled the intruder to the floor. My legs on either side of their chest as I held an anti-sensei knife to their throat. Below me, I came face to face with a cute boy with light blue hair and an innocent girly face.

Though he's obviously male.

I could feel myself wanting to lower my guard around him with how innocent he looked but I could sense something darker coming from within him so the most I did was lower my knife. He must be one of my classmates who I'm supposed to assist.

"I... apologize. I must have been lost in thought.", I informed him with a gentle tone as I studied him once more.

"It's OK but could you please get off me. This is a little embarrassing.", He told me pointing out how intimate this position seemed.

I watched him squirm under my body as a feeling of dominance filled my chest. I just smirked down at my fellow assassin but I chose to get off of him anyway. I found myself entranced by this boy as he sat up and stared up at me. 

Feeling sympathetic for him, I grabbed his hand that was on his knee and pulled him to his feet so he wasn't sitting on the dirty ground. Then as swift, as that happened I pulled his body to my own. This alarmed him as he let out a girlish yell.

His body fell forward and connected with mine. His hands caught himself as they landed on my waist and he stood with his full weight against me for a full minute before shooting his head up to see my reaction. My smirk only widened seeing his fragile appearance.

"(L/N) (Y/N). I'll be assisting your class in with its assassination so I guess we're classmates now.", I introduced myself before leaning forward and pecking him on the corner of his mouth. 

As soon as my lips left his skin, I released him and pulled his arms off of my waist. Moving back, I watched his face bloom into a bright red color as he held the spot that I kissed. I could only watch in amusement as he tried to stutter out a response. 

Though it seemed like he couldn't come up with anything coherent. 

Feeling that I've teased this poor boy enough, I left the classroom to explore before class. My (H/C) hair almost smacking him as I sashayed by. This might be a bit more exciting than I first thought.

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