Top!Wolf!Reader X Uke Pup Jealous

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This Chapter is dedicated to Ashley-Liv and her awesome suggestions. Hopefully, this chapter lives up to what you were somewhat looking for. The chapter is a little shorter than my other ones but this is how my inspiration ran. If it needs a little work then all constructive criticism is welcome.




The sun is peeking in through the cave entrance and disturbing me from my sleep. My (F/C) ears twitched in irritation until I could stand the light anymore and let out a doggish groan. My fur ruffled as I layed up from my moss filled bed.

I opened my (E/C) eyes and felt them sharpen against the morning light that broke me from my wonderful slumber. I was still half asleep so my grumbling stomach would not register in my brain.

Looking around my rocky home with blurry eyes I made sure the rest of the pack was asleep before I stood from my spot in the den and stretched my stiff muscles. My tongue lolling out of my mouth as I gave off a big yawn and chomped my lips.

As my body began to function I took one more look around the cave only to do a double take when I notice one of the dark-haired young adolescent males, known as Rebel, is missing. He was small in size and could be easily considered a female pup with his young features.

As the main female Alpha responsible for our pack, I let out a tempered growl that rumbled in my throat. I knew he would be out flirting with the Omega females of the West Bank pack. None of the females in his own pack seemed to want him so he went searching elsewhere.

What that small minded pup didn't realize was that he was my mate and I wouldn't let an Omega have what is an Alpha's. With that rule set in place, I darted from the cave yipping out small apologies to the betas I had tripped over.

The sun peeked higher over the lush spring mountain tops as I ran and I soon could see the river and who was getting all close and comfy with my pup? It was some mangy sand colored omega who seemed to be in early spring heat. 

A loud growl ripped from my throat at the sight of her nestling her rear closer to his nose to try and use the smell of her heat to lure him into a lustful daze. Jealousy began to blind me as I watched her advances towards my mate.

She was trying to coax him into being her mate and I would not allow something like that. I jumped in between the two of them making sure to assert my dominance to the measly omega female who now seemed to be a whimpering mess.

"Leave my lands before I rip you apart like the rabbits I catch!", I snarled rabidly while Rebel obediently stayed crouched under me in submission.

He should know better than to act out against his Alpha. I will put his furry butt in his place and make him see who his Alpha is. I would take him right in front of that dirty omega if he pushed me far enough.

The omega in heat tried to seem tough but her smaller frame and a weak body were overtaken by her heat which made her realize that she would be no match for a full-fledged alpha protecting what belonged to her.

Rebel attempted to disobey the submission rule and began to crawl out from under me so I snapped down and latch my jaws around the scruff of his black fur covered neck as I let out a gruff growl that reverberated in my throat as a warning which had him backing down.

As a reward, I began to groom his ears which happened to be quite sensitive for a male Beta. Usually, it was the female Omegas who found this to be a turn on and would be coerced into mating with that one move.

The opposing female saw that she would get nowhere with me and turned around. She scampered off with her tail in between her heat which made me huff in satisfaction. When the Omega was out of my sight I let the young male up.

"What was that for (Y/N)!? She actually wanted to mate with me and you scared her off.", The young dark- haired male demanded of me with a defiant growl that made him live up to his name.

"You belong to my pack Rebel! You are under my charge so I won't have you going off with some mangy Omega from that dying pack of strays!", I barked at him but my tone turned softer when I noticed his small form shaking.

I approached his shaking form softly and watched as his wide eyes slowly pulled lower. He was at my mercy right now but I knew he wasn't in the entire wrong. He was not my mate yet and with his feminine build, it was harder for him to find a female that would mate with him.

"What's that smell Alpha (Y/N)?", He suddenly asked looking up at me with the curiosity of a young pup but I was confused.

I sniffed around myself thinking that he was still smelling the heat of that omega but it was a different smell that lingered around me. I had only smelled this scent a few times. It brought me to alert as I became bashful that I had not noticed.

It appears that being around that omega in heat had forced me into a heat of my own. As realization set in I could feel the unbearable heat pooling under my tail as want consumed me. I looked towards rebel with a light snarl over my teeth.

His body stiffened in anticipation for a punishment but I began to lick at his ears as I put myself above his smaller frame. His shivered in want as well and he tried to move to gain dominance but I nipped his ear keeping him in place.

"Rebel. You're mine.", I huskily whispered as I let him stand up.

Before I could anything further he made his way behind me and began sniffing my heat. My tail reacted in its own and moved to allow him further access to the regen that demanded more attention.

"Rebel you're my mate. If I find you flirting with any other she-wolf then I'll punish you dearly my young pup.", I groaned out as my body tensed at ready.

At my words, the young black wolf hopped up behind me and inserted himself inside to begin the glorious mating dance that would bond us for life. He vigorously began to thrust in and out of me like a jackrabbit trying to impregnate its mate.

"Alpha your so good! (Y/N) I want you to have my pups.", He growled wrapping his paws around my waist as his thrusts increased.

The pleasure was growing so strong and his knot was now stuck inside me as his seed began to release. I flipped him off so he fell on his back allowing me to get above him with me still connected to him. 

"Y/N?", His questioning voice only made my heat grow wetter as I milked every last drop from his pulsating knot. We both whimpered at the sensation of him impregnating me. Oh, I wanted this small male's pups so bad.

Soon his knot deflates when all of his seed had emptied into my womb. I collapsed near my young pup as I lovingly nestle into his neck. 

"Rebel I love you."

"I love you too my Alpha."

+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 Months later

I lay breathing heavily in the den as my swollen stomach heaves up and down. I could feel the pup moving around in my stomach. Contractions hit me in waves as my body tried to push my pups out.

"(Y/N) are you doing OK? How are the pups? Are they here yet? Oh man, I'm gonna be a father.", Rebel rambled as he paced in front of my plump body.

Rebel had filled out over the two months as a way to become stronger so he could protect his new family. Despite all of that he will always be the small little submission pup that I called my mate.

"There fine--ahhn!", I howled in pain as a big contraction hit and I began to push one of the pups out. 

After each pup, I thoroughly cleaned them and led them to one of my nipples as I prepared for the next one to start to come.

In the end, I ended up giving birth to six pups. The first two were big Alphas. They were male and female named Sky and River. The next three were snuggly little female Omegas named Pine, Winter, and Bee. 

The smallest of the litter looked exactly like his father and was an adorable feminine Beta. My loving mate ended up naming him Night for his matching pitch black fur.

"I love you my little pup.", I whined softly.

"I love you too my Alpha!", He howled.

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