A/N Suspect found

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I'm so fucking happy right now. I literally almost broke down crying on the way home from school when I found out from my mom that they are convicting Kiera's murderer. They have enough evidence for the time being and are convicting Kiera's asshole of an ex-boyfriend for first-degree murder, tampering with the body, destruction of evidence, and I think more but I can't remember. If all goes well that than scumbag is going to jail for a long while.

Everyone suspected him because of how bad their relationship was and how unhappy Kiera was being with him. It only furthered the evidence with his 21 counts of aggravated identity theft. Up above is the image of the demon who took the life of my childhood friend. I'm putting his face out there so people can know just who did this. I hope he gets the maximum sentence and if death wasn't the easy way out for him then I would wish for him to be on death row.



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