Top! Reader X Sherlock A lesson in Seduction

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This doesn't exactly follow the timeline of the Sherlock universe. I just used the Janet fling as a way to create a storyline. Hope you enjoy it my Little Oranges.



------------------------------------ (Y/N)'s Pov

I sat on the couch in the living room with an upset look right as John entered the flat. When he saw my angered look he showed one of sympathy. You see the night before John and Mary's wedding Sherlock and I had a 'domestic'.

I say it like that because it was all staged for our loved ones to believe so Sherlock could get close to Janet at the wedding and in turn gain her favor. He would manipulate her heart to get what we wanted. Oh, how I loved that man and his plans.

The downside to this is all the flirting he had to do with her. That woman even wiggled her way into Sherlock's bed. I knew it was the final part of the plan that would secure his place in her heart but it made me boil over at the thought that another woman got to touch what was mine.

Sherlock had gotten into the shower earlier and Janet stepped out of my lover's room clad in only a blanket as she made her way to the bathroom to join Sherlock. Her shrill giggles made me want to storm in there and show her the real Sherlock that only I knew.

Though for now I bit my tongue and watched John and Janet believe that this was all happening. The scene we witnessed seemed to shock the poor doctor as he shot around to try and justify his friend.

"I'm sure it's not what it seems (Y/n). Sherlock really cares for you. I just know it.", He fussed but I put a hand up and showed him a pained smile that wasn't all that fake.

"Don't worry John. Sherlock will get what he deserves when his little game is over.", I cryptically said while smirking at the bathroom door.

Soon enough we were all out in the living room. Janet sat on Sherlock's lap while I shared the couch with John. I leaned back on the couch with one leg crossed over the other as I sent Sherlock a calculating glare.

He tried to focus on the other occupants of the room but his eyes would drift back to me in anticipation. He even began to fidget under my glare to the point that Janet took notice and began to worry for him.

"Sherlock you seem distracted. Are you remembering something?", She tried to be seductive and get him flustered for her.

It wasn't her that made him flustered. It was me. Sherlock knows how I get when woman hang on him, Molly and Mrs. Hudson being the only exceptions. He was probably imagining what I had in store for him.

"Yes, Sherlock. Do tell us or Is it something others shouldn't here?", I teased while switching legs before straightening my body.

"Um no... nothing. Just got stuck in my Mind Palace thinking about a new case. Janet darling I think you should head out before you're late for work.", The curly haired sociopath adviced while leading Janet to the door.

Before she left though she grabbed Sherlock into a fleeting kiss which made John feel uncomfortable. Sherlock broke from the kiss and quickly got her to leave before shutting the door and huffing in relief.

"Um... you two seem to be pretty open about your relationship.", John tried to make conversation but Sherlock wasn't gonna have it.

"(Y/N) darling, I don't know how long I can hold out.", Sherlock muttered as he fell to his knees at my feet shocking John.

"I know my love but you will have to put up with it until our plan has been put into motion. The Game has only just begun Sherlock.", I cooed giving this desperate man-child a kiss.

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