Top! Reader X Tony Stark Malfunction Pt1

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I got inspired to this chapter while watching the Iron Man movie. I watched the scene where Jarvis was trying to get the suit off Tony and Pepper walks in and he says something along the lines of we both know you've seen me doing worse. 

I kind of want to do something that showed what could have been worse but with the reader involved. This takes place sometime after the Avenger's movie but before Infinity War. I hope you enjoy my Little Oranges.



---------------------------------------- (Y/N)'s

Tony's been in his lab all day and Pepper seems to have given up on trying to get him to come out so she came to me. I was the girl who has been beside Tony since we were both in Diapers which meant I knew him best.

Well, that wasn't always true. You see when I was 15 my parents took me away from my life and had me locked away because I showed signs of having powers beyond human capability. This scared them and made them portray me as a monster in my earlier years. 

My strength rivaled that of 10 men. My body could reach temperatures between -100 and 1000  degrees Fahrenheit. The worst of this power was the appendages that stayed with me. When I activated my abilities horns would come out. 

No, they weren't the small cute horns of a sexy devil. They were huge jagged horns that could cut you if you touched them wrong. I even had a tail that ended in a forked point. My religious parents assumed I was the reincarnation of the devil.

I was only able to escape their rath when I was 30  but by then I was a shell of myself. Raised to despise what I was I took my anger out of those who were happy and I almost become the monster I parents thought I was.

That was until Iron Man had saved me. Before I had killed anyone he told me all the better things that were in life. How I didn't have to let what people called me define what I was. What hit me the hardest though was when I found out Tony was Iron Man.

I think that was the hardest I had cried in years as I embraced the man I knew for almost half my life and I've been living with him at the Avenger's tower ever since. I was the hero Blue Demon as my flames were so hot they were blue and of course, I looked like a demon.

This name was also Tony's idea. 

"(Y/N)? Hellooo~?", Pepper trailed on as she waved her hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry, Pepper I spaced out. It's Tony, isn't it? Hasn't come out of the lab to be a proper human being.", I asked with a smirk on my face and she only sighed in annoyance.

"Isn't it always him. He was working on some new type of robot and told me to leave him alone so he could work. He has a softer spot for you so do you think you could get him to at least sleep.", She begged while showing how much she cared for him.

I've known about Pepper Pots affection for Tony for a while and have even confronted her about confessing them but she advised against that while saying that she knew Tony didn't have feelings for her and I pitied the girl for how she much she was hung up on that idiot.

"I'll go see what I can do. In the meantime, I think you need a little me time away from a certain idiot.", I adviced with a smirk as I handed her Stark's card I knicked off him the last time he upset me.

"Yea I think. I'll do just that. Bye (Y/N)."

I waved Pepper off before making my way down to Tony's lab. I passed by Banner who seemed a little upset and I could only assume it was something Tony had down but I would have to ask him later as to not Hulkify the Doctor.

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