Top!Reader x Ichimatsu Not Trash

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(C/N)= Country name

(Y/N)= Your name

(F/F)= favorite food/fruit

(F/C)= favorite color


My mind was spinning with the events that had just played out in front of me just a couple days ago. A door was slammed in my face as a voice called out good luck to me at finding somewhere to stay until I got on my feet with little to money in my pocket. 

You see I just moved to Japan from (C/N) so I could be with my cousin who insists I call her Nyaa-Chan but her being a famous singer clouded her better judgment and one single compliment from a passing stranger towards me, instead of her, set my cousin off.

This led her to not allowing me to live with her anymore so I had to wander the streets until I found a motel to sleep in. I would only be staying there till I got a job to buy myself an apartment or something cheap.

Well, I had seen a hiring sign at a coffee shop just down the street from my motel and went to go apply only to see the place was in chaos. Six grown men with the same face jumped around the place. One was even trying to shit on the tables while people were still there.

I slowly backed out of that place and made a b-line as far away from there as my legs could take me. They seemed to take me a little farther than I would have liked because the next thing I know I had knocked over an older lady carrying groceries.

"I... I a very very sorry lady!", I tried apologizing while I hurried to help her pick up her groceries and noticed it was ingredients to make (F/F). My mouth salivated at the thought of the delicious meal but snapped out of it when I realized the lady was watching me. 

I stood to my feet and helped her up as I handed her back the back. A pit filled my stomach knowing that I would have to go another night without food just so I could have enough money for the motel. The next couple days would be hell.

The lady must have noticed my dejected form because a motherly smile spread across her face like a warm beacon of love. I could only watch as she stepped closer to me and took my hands in hers and I was startled.

"Why not come over for dinner deary. I need another girl to distract me from my Neet children.", She complained in a way that did not allow me to refuse this total strangers request.

When we arrived I noticed that her house was a cute traditional house that was two stories. The neighborhood was also quite nice and it seemed a couple places were for rent around here which was good for me. Well, once I get a job that is.

I copied the unnamed lady's actions as she took off her shoes and welcomed herself home. I was still getting used to the customs so I pray that I don't do anything that offends her. That or say the wrong Japanese.

"Oh, I never got your name. I'm Matsuno Matsuyo.", She greeted with a small bow as I was gonna give her a handshake so quickly I bowed deeply.

"I'm (L/N) (F/N). It is a pleasurable to be in your homey home.", I tried to speak correctly but I knew I had already messed up by the small chuckles she gave before helping me with the proper phrasing.

Next thing I knew I was moving around the kitchen swiftly to help make the (F/F). It seems Mrs. Matsuno was shocked at how skilled I was in the kitchen but I assured her it was only this dish that allowed me to be this way. Most of the time I stumbled over my feet or made a mess.

The sound of a sliding door caught my ear as Mrs. Matsuno announced that her sons were home and warned me to cover my ears for a second. I complied with the nice woman as she opened her mouth.

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