Top! Reader X Katsuke Be Mine Pt2

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Hey guys! I never expected to make a second part to this love story but I guess it was good enough to have people wanting more. This was requested by ale0404 so I hope you enjoy it. I also want to apologize for it being so late. I visited my cousin who recently moved to Arizona while I was at my grandparents. Thanks again my Little Oranges and enjoy.



------------------------------------------ (Y/N)'s Pov

It's been a few months since Katsuki and I have begun dating. That was a week after our steamy encounter. I was the one who had to corner him and get him to give me an answer. He's such a bipolar jackass. 

In school and around friends, he treats me like shit and picks stupid fights with me. Then when we are alone or out on a date, he becomes super affectionate and demanding of my attention. A true tsundere. 

That is especially true when we had our special fun time and he becomes a moaning ball of putty in my liquid hand. We even go on dates and get to have some amazing adult times together and despite Katsuki's protest, I am usually the one in charge. 

He has a hard time admitting that he enjoyed my dominance and is trying to rebel against it only to allow me to embarrass him even more as punishment. Just a little fact to know is that Katsuki is rather sensitive in his nipples. 

Even with all this blackmail against him, his attitude is really starting to piss me off. Due to his coldness around others, I've taken to staying in the comfort of my friends as they listen to my complaints. 

To be exact those friends include Izuku and his group of friends. These are the same people who comfort me after Katsuki would start shit and storm off when he lost the argument. This only seemed to piss Katsuki off more. 

Stupid jealous spikey head.

"Oi bitch! Why are you hanging out with this shitty nerd all the damn time?! You should be hanging out with me!", Katsuki yelled from across the room as he let explosions come off his hand.

All I did is ignore his tantrum. 

Again he let his emotions get the better of him and as soon as I turned back to talk to my concerned friends, a rough hand grabbed my shoulder. Small explosions scorched my uniform and that pissed me off.

My patience with him broke. Turning my hand to a liquid, I turned around and socked him in the face and drenched his whole body so that his quirk would not work for the time being. I approached my ass of a boyfriend with a menacing glare.

This seemed to show my dominance that I would usually save for the bedroom because his eyes widened while backing up. As soon as his back hit the wall, I slammed my hand against the wall and trapped him there.


"Dude! She just pulled a Kabedon on Bakugou and lived! So cool!"

My classmates began to chat and make Katsuki flustered but he had to focus on me right now. His master wanted his attention so he better be ready to give it to me. To further this point, I grabbed his chin so he was forced to look at me. My leg sliding between his. 

"I'm sick of this treatment Katsuki. You either treat me like your girlfriend or like scum. You don't get to choose both and get away with it!", I exposed our relationship which only shocked half of the class, I hadn't told yet.

"(Y/N)-chan has told me to be chill about it but she's right Bakugou. It's not manly to treat your girlfriend like that. Someone could come along and treat her better and she'd leave you.", Kirishima spoke up as the first person I told.

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