Top! Reader X Connor Aquatic Android Pt2

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+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Time Skip

It's been a few months since I last visited Conor. Part of that weighed down on my conscious but the hurt he put me through is too much to try and see him again. That is until a news report popped on the TV.

The news lady began talking about the Detroit Aquarium. She wandered the halls as she talked about each of the attractions but it made me scoff at how unenthusiastic she seemed when she looked at all the beautiful creatures.

"Despite all these successful attractions, something has come of the newest RK800 exhibit. In the past few months, it's been unresponsive to its handlers and is said to be losing the aquarium money to keep the attraction open. They will shut down both the exhibit and the RK800."

"Connor!", I shot up from my seat on the couch with a yell which startled my snoring dad. 

"Huh? Where's that fucker at?!", My dad yelled as soon as he heard me yell that name.

I ignored him as they switched to a scene of the merman in question. He looked... sad. He just sat on a rock at the bottom of the tank. No fish came out to visit him and people who looked into his tank scoffed in disappointment.

"I have to save him. They can't shut him down!", I yelled running to the door to grab my keys. 

I didn't even care about shoes or a coat for the chilly weather. I was about to hop into my car when my dad grabbed my arm. I spun around frantically to tell him I was in a hurry but his sullen face stopped me.

"That boy who broke your heart. It's that marine android, isn't it? He hurt you and you wanna go running in to save him?", My dad asked with a serious tone.

"I love him Dad. I know you know what that felt like when Mom and you were still together. You still love her.", I told him in a seriousness that I only had when mom left.

At first, he was upset that I was comparing Connor to Mom but then he looked deeper. The way I would gush about Connor when I got home or the look I must have in my eyes. It's the same look he had when he used to talk to or about mom.

"You're really my daughter. Go get your boy tiger. Maybe I can smack some sense into him.", He jested before pushing me to my car.

I let a giant green light up my face as I started up the vehicle and zoomed on down the road. My muscles remembered each turn, stop, and freeway to take so I was thee in no time. What I didn't expect were the protestors.

Some wanted RK800 to be shut down and scrapped while the other half were android rights activists. All that chaos forced the aquarium to be closed for safety. They looked like they were about to start fighting. I could use that to my advantage.

I snuck over to both sides and started gossiping about the other. Just the usual about how their enemy was planning on ambushing them and beating the crap out of their stupid asses. I felt bad but this quickly spread and they began fighting.

This chaos allowed me to sneak around the building and wait for some employees to flee for safety. It didn't take long as three employees rushed for their cars. As soon as they were out of view, I rushed in.

I caught a glimpse of something dreadful when I rushed in. Just peaking out of the transportation docks was a drainage truck that would take the water from Connor's Tank and they would get him shut down.

I began to run as fast as I could up the stairs. My blood rushing through my ears. My heart in my throat. I wanted to call out for Connor but I had to have a hint of secrecy left so that my plan isn't ruined before it's finished.

As soon as I got to his exhibit, I froze. Elijah Kamski sat at the edge of the pool with Connor resting on the edge next to him. They seemed to be having an important conversation. That would soon get ruined when Connor looked up to notice me.

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