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Mina Pov

I currently was playing my games on my phone until a message from unknown number pop out...

"you must be happy right letting Jun go just like that right?! What a stupid human being of you... "the unknown said make me angry...

"who are you?! Why does it do with Jun?! Don't talk like you know everything!!! "I reply back fiercely...

"you sound mad teehee. Well of course it does have anything to do with Jun you want to know who am I? "the unknown reply...

"who are you? "I ask back curious...

"well I'm Japanese but more importantly, I'm her ex girlfriend.... "the unknown reply make me jungshook...

Jun does have an ex? B-but who?

"I know you will jungshook about this but after all, this is what I want. Finally you have let go of him. Now my next target is Yeji. Your hoobae. If I need to kill her, I will do it Mina. I'm not scared. Mark my words, every person that you think that close to you actually is the one who's work with me to make both you suffer... "she said and already blocked my number...

I put down my phone and wipe the sweats on my forehead...

Jun never told me about his ex. As long as I know I'm the only ex he have now but who's that person...

I left my bedroom and went downstairs to meet all of my member...

"guys..."I call them as they all look at me...

"yes minari? "they all ask me as they gave a questionable face...

















"Junnie never told us anything about her ex... "Sana unnie said as she also seems clueless with Jun ex...

"me neither. As I know he only have you after Yeji. Is that something that we three don't know about him? "Momo unnie ask...

"that's what I try to figure out. Right now, Yeji is in dangerous because she threatened me about her.... "I said biting my finger nail...

"you think we should call Haruka? For now he's the only person we can reach since he knew a lot about Jun more than us... "Date oppa said and we all nod...

Few moments later...

"if you ask him a thousand times, he will still not gonna admit it... "Haruka said and sigh...

"why? What her ex have done to him until he don't want to admit it? "Jeongyeon unnie ask make Haruka sigh...

Haruka look at me and he shook his head...

"because his ex did something horrible that makes him regret for the rest of his life..."Haruka said and look away...

I bend down my knee in front Haruka...

"Haruka, tell me what her ex did to him until he doesn't want to remember her... "I said and he kinda don't want to answer my question

"well, you guys have to promise not to tell him or I'm the one who will get killed... "he said as everyone nod...

"first of all after you left him,his life becomes so darken. It's so hard for him to move on from you after the news about you and BamBam spread. His life is just urgh, I don't how to say this. I try to help him in any way I could but the results is still the same. He don't bother to leave the house or eat or met any of his friends. What he only do is staring at the photo of yours. He completely change like a stranger. He didn't really talk and there's a day he didn't speak a single word until one day, he decided to back to his daily life and met with this one girl... "Haruka explain and we all heard the story...

"do you know the girl names? "Jihyo unnie ask Haruka but then he shook his head...

"Jun, never told me about his ex profile. He just tell me that he have someone else to replace you Mina... "he said pointing at me...

"about 5 months something like that they went lovey dovey until one day, he messed up. He got trapped... "Haruka said and he look sad...

"w-what happened to him? "I ask curious...

"he got frame. His ex get him drunk. They went for a rough night if you know what i mean. What worse is, there's a camera record the whole thing. Later all he knew is he wake up at a place where we call hotel. When he get home, there's only me. I ask where did he go but he said he can't remember anything. What he said only to me is that he met with her ex at bar and then he blank out. The next day when both us was about to get out, Jun was arrested for sexual harassment. More worst he got prison for 5 months and that's where I start to search for everything. I know something is not right. After long time research, it was his ex did. She frame him for money and now she cameback back. I don't know what she wanted now from him... "Haruka said and punch the wall of our dorm...

"Haruka calm down!!! "Sana unnie run to Haruka and hug him...

Haruka feel on his knee and he did cry...

"I don't want him to suffer anymore. So many things he has been through. He can't survive this world if he keep being treated like this... "Haruka said crying while Sana unnie try to comfort him...

I can feel how close is Haruka to Jun. They both went everything together. Thats why he care so much about Junnie...

I felt so much blame actually without knowing that Jun went through all this things because of me. He try to stay positive but at the end, negative energy got him into the wrong path...

"everyone ditching him after he out from the jail. He got teased, he got beaten and everything people can do but I'm glad now those people already forget about the past of him. Mina, if you think Jun have a perfect life after you gone, you wrong. He's already been mark with the dark past. He doesn't want to tell you because he afraid that you run away from. He thought you will get disgusted with him. That's why he remain silent and try to forget about his ex... "Haruka said and wipe his tears...

"everything he did just for you Mina. Don't ask me why he's being cold towards you. You know since the start it was your fault when you accept BamBam. If you just not accept his love, Jun will already live his life better... "Haruka said and quickly left the dorm...

"Haruka wait!!!!" Date oppa went to catch up with Haruka...

I fall on my knees and cry. This tears, why does it feel so painful? Why I think like he's the one who get the things more difficult?.....

Jun....... I'm sorry...

///sorry for not much in the context but can you guys guess who's Jun ex? Comment here if you guys know and don't forget to vote on this chapter and see y'all on the next chapter!!!! Bye!!! 💕💕💕///

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