
637 14 11

Mina Pov

I look at those wire plug onto Junnie body, his head was wrap with bandage already make me feels bad for him. Even though he might hate me if he see me here but still, I wanna take care of him...

I cares his cold hand and keep it warm inside my touch. After all, he still the same Junnie that I know. I know if I don't leave him, both us might in a good relationship right now but I can't deny what my parent wish for me. Sometimes, I ask myself if I fit to be someone who's important in his life. It's okay if he wanted to hate me but I'll always be there for you Jun because I promise to you in the past, we get through everything together even one day we might not anymore lovers or friends...

Minutes later, Haruka arrived. I get off from the visitor chair letting Haruka sit on it. I see Haruka is really care about Jun I mean, who wouldn't when he's the only family he have. Despite of tough life, Haruka want to make sure that Jun is always in good condition because since they was a kid, they really close to each other even they're not blood related  but Haruka once told me he really want a little brother because he's the only child in his family. That's why he care about Jun so much. There's a time on my school day, Jun was getting bullied by the senior because Jun insisted to their homework and there come Haruka. As I know, after Haruka met with the senior who bullied Jun, I never see their faces anymore in school. I, don't know what did Haruka do to them but I'm just glad that Jun got someone who'll be with him...

"yah you pabo, why don't you fight them back?... "Haruka said chuckling in between his cry...

"don't you know you make me worried about you so much? Can you not make me like this? Seeing you getting hurt because of someone else fault? Can you?... "he said and wipe his tears...

He get up from the seat and went toward me...

"Mina, I'm sorry I had to call you. I really don't have any idea who to call... "Haruka said in apologetic way but I shook my head...

"it's okay Haruka. I wouldn't mind helping someone who have helped me before even I know he doesn't want to see me... "I said and look at Jun...

Haruka lean his body against the wall and cross his arm...

"he didn't hate you. He just can't move on from you even he's with someone else... "Haruka said but I just sigh...

"eventhough he didn't hate me, I'm sure he doesn't want to see me at all. Everyone is putting the blame on him even I do that because I desperately want for him but at the same time I want BamBam too but after what I see, BamBam just another piece of trash when she kiss that girl... "I said hold onto myself...

"what did he do until you hate him?... "Haruka ask turn to see me...

"before this shit happened, I already suspended something bad will happen to Junnie when today I was hangout at this one cafe, I spot Yeji and Yeonjun together inside the cafe. I secretly stalk them and see both them holding each other hand but Yeji doesn't seem like when Yeonjun forcefully hold her hand until BamBam and Sakura show up. They showed them a picture but I couldn't confirm what picture is it but I can see that Yeji was super shocked until she cried. Before they left to Jun house, BamBam and Sakura smirk at each other and kiss passionately in front of my eyes. He promised me that he will not cheat on my, back but what I see he did now make my heart feels hurt again. I can't understand why this happened to me while I already regret what happened to me. I lose Junnie, I lose BamBam and yet losing BamBam is one of the greatest thing ever happened to me. Can't even imagine if I lose Junnie too because if I lose him, it feels like half of my like are useless. I never put any hope for him to coming back to me but just want him to feel safe and enjoy his life well on this cruel world... "I said and look at Jun...

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