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Mina Pov

It was night and I currently was playing my favorite game in my room with a smirk because I'm the great leader of penguin who played all kind of game that really easy to me lol. While I was playing, I suddenly remembered the moment when I met with this boy named Yeonjun...


"so how about my plan? "Yeonjun ask while biting his finger nail...

I actually really want to agree with his plan to get Jun back but the way he plan is really not good. It might hurt Jun for the rest of his life...

"Im not going on with your plan... "I said and look down...

"what? Hey this is the only chance to get him back!!! "he said a bit aggressive tone...

"don't talk to me like that. Do you think by trapping him getting caught having sex with me will make the whole thing turn to good? And exposed it to news and let him break up with Yeji? How about me?!! I'm with Bambam!! No!! He might really hate me for doing that!!! "I said yelling at him.. 

He sigh and chuckle few times and smirk at me....

"well what a foolish action of you. If you don't want then fine. I can do it by myself..."he said and smirk at me.. 

"don't you dare to touch him. You touched or make him sad I will find you and kill you... "I said threatening but he just laugh...

"like you can... "he said and walk away...

Flashback ends...

I shake my head and get up on my bed...

"I must tell Jun about Yeonjun plan..."I said and put down my Nintendo switch...

I know I sounded like a greedy woman because I want Jun and Bambam at the same time but what can I do? Jun is my first sarang and I want him to have a happy life after all......

Even he hate me......

But still I wanna help him. If I can turn back time, I will fix everything and I want it all back to normal...

I grab my phone and left dorm to somewhere place which the cafe that I used to go...

I texted him and say it was EMERGENCY. That's the only way he will came and find me. I said where he should met me but he just seen my chat....

I know he will come anyway even how much he angry on me but for his sake and Yeji, I must save them or something else bad will happen...

Even I kinda hate Yeji now for loving Jun but I know that Im the one who should be blame but whatever, I must save him.....

No matter what happens....

Jun Pov

(okay first of all I won't mention who's the old CEO of YG even new one. I will only use CEOnim for better. Hope you guys understand why:""""))

Currently I was standing in front of CEOnim office. I knocked on the door and someone open it...

It was CEOnim and he help me stroll me to his table...

"so what's it? "I ask while fixing my butt...

"you know that you already famous since after your video appear on TV? "he ask and I nod...

"I want you to work under me... "he said pointing at me and I just jungshook...

"what?!! You gotta be kidding me CEOnim? "I ask and he shook his head...

Different :LOVE //MINA FF//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz