Five times Lexa fell for Clarke (AU)

Start from the beginning

If Clarke minds Lexa's sweaty palm in hers, she doesn't do or say anything about it. In fact, it actually makes Clarke squeeze harder. It's not until they're safely inside the classroom that they both reluctantly let go. They stay close though, never drifting more than a few feet apart.

Lexa doesn't understand it now, but years and years later, she'll pinpoint this moment as the very first time she fell for Clarke Griffin.


Lexa finds Clarke outside on the trampoline; knees hugged tightly to her chest as she sits and watches the breeze ruffle the treetops in the backyard. The sun is low now, the sky a deep, smoky orange colour.

Somewhere in the Griffin household, Jake and Abby are cleaning up the aftermath of Clarke's 12th birthday party. It had started wonderfully, all her friends present; now Clarke is feeling foolish for letting it end with herself in tears.

"Hey," Lexa says gently as she climbs through the side netting of the trampoline, crawling next to Clarke. Clarke sniffles, wiping the tears from her eyes looking away. "Hey," Lexa repeats, even more gently this time while draping an arm around her best friend's shoulder. "Finn is the dumbest person I've ever met. Don't let him ruin your birthday."

Clarke is silent, willing the tears to stop. She's knows that Lexa is right, knows that Finn loves to cause trouble and is all around a grade A jerk. Still, he's in her friend circle and she hates how he has always known how to get under her skin. Always saying the wrong things at the wrong times.

"But did you hear what he said, Lex?" Clarke finally manages through a sob, hurt laced into her words. "He said I'd never be as pretty as Raven and that should I just stop trying."

Lexa shakes her head, feeling the anger starting to bubble in her blood. She has never liked Finn Collins, not from the first day they met in the third grade. Everything about him is stupid as she always likes tells Clarke, especially his hair. Lexa had once tried to gift him with a comb at school, but it ended up back in her cubby with a note that read, "you could use it more." It has been war ever since.

"I can beat him up for you if you want," Lexa offers with a sudden sparkle in her eye and lilt to her voice. Clarke leans her head into Lexa's, trying to hide a smirk. She doesn't doubt Lexa in the slightest; Lexa would do anything for her, always loyal to her word.

"I just don't want to be his friend anymore," Clarke says, heaving a sad, shaky sigh.

"So don't," Lexa says, holding out her free hand across her lap into Clarke's. Clarke takes it and holds onto it like she always does. "Finn isn't worth it," Lexa reassures, trying to mend her best friend's broken heart. "He's a stupid boy with a stupid name and an even stupider haircut." She pauses, mulling over her words. "Raven is pretty, Clarke, but you're prettier. The prettiest girl in school."

Clarke scoffs almost immediately. Her tears are gone. "No I'm not. You must be crazy."

Lexa pulls her head away from Clarke's in search of her gaze. When she finds it, she smiles shyly. "You are to me," she says.

There's a beat of silence and then Clarke is back to usual grinning self. She wraps her hands around Lexa's neck and pulls her close, planting a firm, but wet kiss onto her cheek.

"Thanks, Lex," she says, pulling away and tucking her head into the crook of Lexa's shoulder. "I love you."

Lexa lets the words fill and expand in her chest, and the warmth spread throughout her body. There's a slow burning sensation deep in her stomach and she's not all too sure what it means. What she does know is that she wouldn't mind staying like this for a little bit longer, nestled in as close to Clarke as possible. She also knows she doesn't ever want to see Clarke like this again: sad because of a boy; sad because of anything. All she ever wants to do is make Clarke feel as safe as Clarke made her feel on the first day they met.

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