Doctor GoodLove (AU)

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By: Slowprogress
This can't be her life right now. It just honest to God can not be her life right now.

This morning when she woke up she was pleasantly surprised by the nice weather and had enough time to take her lab, Dutch, for a quick run in the park. Then the coffee place on the corner gave her a free muffin with her usual order and for most of the morning so far all her appointments had run exactly to schedule. So there was nothing, absolutely nothing, in her day so far that prepared her for this. Lisa had handed her the file with Ms L Thomas neatly printed in the corner and she'd innocently walked into the room with her standard smile in place. Then she'd actually looked up and very nearly burst out in hysterical laughter.

Her next patient was Lexa Thomas. Lexa Thomas, star of every dirty dream Clarke had between the ages of fourteen to seventeen. Lexa Thomas who ran the school newspaper, was the star of the track team and won class president two years in a row. Lexa Thomas who had been smart, quiet, painfully attractive and completely oblivious to young Clarke Griffin's existence as a whole, much less her unrequited crush.

Now here sat Lexa Thomas, beautiful as ever, in nothing but an exam gown and Clarke was supposed to give her her annual check-up. Never in her entire life has she ever hated her choice to become a gynaecologist as much as she does right now, right this second. This really can't be happening to her.

She clears her throat, trying to swallow down her panic, as she steps towards the exam table. She is a professional, she can do this. "Morning, Ms Thomas. Sorry if I've kept you waiting."

She tries to keep the smile on her face natural, but if the look on Lexa's face is any indication, Clarke may in actual fact be sporting something more suited to The Joker.

Oh, dear God, she can't actually do this.

"You're perfectly on time." Lexa's words are polite, but her tone is clipped. She doesn't seem very relaxed, not with her obviously clenched jaw and tense shoulders, but Clarke is used to that with her patients. Very few woman come in smiling at the prospect of getting a pap smear test after all.

Clarke drags a deep breath in and tries to keep it together. She is thirty two years old, she hasn't seen this woman in fifteen years and she got over her crush a good fourteen years ago. She does not need to make this worse for her patient, and that is really all that Lexa Thomas is to her, so she drops down onto her stool and flips Lexa's file open.

"I just need to ask you a few questions before we move on to the exam if that's okay with you?" Clarke watches as Lexa nods, her eyes fixed firmly to something behind Clarke's right shoulder.

"Ok, thanks. I see we have your full history here, so that'll save us some time. Any change in your period since your last check-up?" Clarke keeps her eyes down on the file in front of her a little longer than needed, clicking her pen as she tries to get over how surreal this moment is.

She just asked Lexa Thomas about her period. God. Her seventeen year old self would have just about died then.

When she does look up, Lexa finally makes eye contact again and Clarke can't help it. She can't help but notice that if Lexa at eighteen had been beautiful, Lexa at thirty three really is just breath taking. She's leaner than she used to be, the bit of softness left over from childhood now completely gone, but her lips are still full and her cheekbones are still killer.

Clarke used to spend hours putting Lexa's face to paper, trying to get every angle just right. Just perfect.

"No, my period is fine." Lexa purses her lips and Clarke straightens up, tries to focus on doing her job.

"Good, that's good. Are you currently sexually active?" Clarke really, really hates that she has to ask that question, because as absurd as it is she doesn't want to know.

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