Lexa Woods Does Not Share Food (AU)

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By: rochke11
Lexa Woods does not share her food. People who expect her to share her food are her pet peeve and she doesn't understand why she needs a reason to hate sharing food. Isn't it obvious? It's unsanitary and if you really wanted fries, then maybe you should have ordered your own. Yes, you too Anya.

The first time it happens, you are too stunned to even properly react.

It's the first day of her senior year of high school and you're distracted at the lunch table, talking to Lincoln about college applications when the blonde stranger arrives. You miss her introduction and you don't notice when she takes the only open seat. The one beside you. You don't notice because lately all you can think about are college applications and honestly you just expect that Anya just sat beside you. Even though she graduated last year.

You finally notice her when a pale hand sneaks across your tray and makes its way into your line of sight. You whip your head around, ready to yell at Anya, when you come face to face with bright blue eyes and a head full of blonde curls.

She says something, but you're too stunned to actually pay attention to what she's saying. You focus on her lips, but that doesn't help. So you nod.

She takes a fry from your plate, takes a bite of it and says, "Thanks."

The entire lunch table immediately stops talking, realizing what just happened. And then you realize that the blonde must have asked you for a fry.

It takes you another moment before you finally process the fact that the blonde is sitting next to Costia. And that's when you remember that Costia's cousin just moved to Polis and would be new at Polis High that year.

"I'm Lexa," you finally manage to say.

"I'm Clarke," the blonde grins in response and wow, she has a great smile. "Costia talks about you all the time."

There was a time when hearing that would have made your heart race, but you've past that point now. Costia knows that you have had a crush on her practically your entire life, and she loves you too, but she's straight. So you're settling with being her best friend. So once upon a time, hearing the way Costia would talk about you, would give you butterflies, but this time you don't think it's the words Clarke is saying that are causing the flutter in your stomach, but rather the person saying them.

No one says anything about the interaction. Clarke is new, so she clearly didn't know your one big rule. You don't touch the rest of your fries because you don't share food.

The second time it happens, you're at the Blake's house celebrating the fact that both you and Lincoln got into colleges Early Decision.

You are the first two to get into college in your friend group and you both tease everyone that it's because the Woods genes are strong. You both know that that doesn't make sense because you're only step-siblings.

"Is it bad that I didn't realize that you and Lincoln were step-siblings until today?" Clarke asks as she plops down on the couch beside you, handing you one of the two cold beers in her hand.

You smile at her and laugh. You've been friends for three months and sometimes you forget that she hasn't always been part of your friend group, that's how well she fits in. "We share the same last name, what did you think we were?" you ask.

"I just thought you were brother and sister," a blush rises on her cheeks and you remember how red she can get when she has enough to drink.

You raise your eyebrows at her because, really? "You do realize that we're completely different races, right?"

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