We transported to another place and I recognize it as the Gilbert home.

"What are we doing here?" I asked and she shushes me before motioning to living room.

I walk forward and see Elena holding her stomach as my favorite psychotic mate glared down at her with a crazed smile.

"Now Jeremy!! Where are you?" He said tauntingly to the boy and I follow behind and watch him stand there before zooming and grabbing the boy.

He slammed into the wall knife in hand.

"Now which arm holds that silly stupid mark? Hmmm. Alright might cut off both just for safe keeping." He goes to cut off his arm but is shoved off him by Damon.

"Now Jeremy!" Elena yelled and I with tension knowing what's happening. I felt my heart split as he drives the with oak stake through his chest.

He desiccated right before going completely limp. I screamed hitting the barrier from letting me do anything.

"Easy child, this is just the future unless you decide differently. The course can be changed with a simple flick of your wrist." She said and I turn to look at her with tears in my eyes.

"How?!" I yelled and she came and put two hands on both of my cheeks.

"Do not let the doppelgänger die. Not yet anyways. Esther is coming and when the time comes I want you to preform this spell."

She whispered the spell in my ear and I frown. Not knowing it.

"What does it do?" I asked and she looked to me with a smile. Brushing my cheeks.

"When the time comes whisper that spell and I will be there to protect you and your mates my sweet Bellatrix."

She started backing up and I stop her as she turns. "Wait!"

She looked at me with a raised brow and I smile to her, "tell Freya thank you." I spoke and she nods to me.

"Stay safe little one. Trust your gut and don't waver. Also enjoy your mates. They all love you dearly."

I shot awake gasping sucking in a breath as I felt tears ran down my cheeks yet that wasn't what worried me.

I look to see Elijah and Klaus with me. Looking around the room I didn't see the other three and I felt my heart beating faster.

A hand brought me out of my thoughts.

"Elskan? Are you alright?" Elijah asked and I vamp sped to window to see it still dark out. They couldn't have gotten far.

"Love?" I heard Niklaus's voice and I saw the scene unfold before my eyes. Everything. Him being stabbed and combusting.

I turn and look to him before throwing myself in his arms. He wobbled at my velocity of my speed.

I let my eyes look back and forth frantic as I held him to me.

"It was a dream...Your here...it was a dream.." I whispered digging my head deeper into his neck.

"Shh hey it's okay. I promise...it's okay." He said and I shake my head my body shaking.

"You...you...I...fuck." I pulled back and looked at him checking his body for any injuries.

"Your not hurt..." I whispered and he pulled my chin up to meet his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I felt my eyes water.

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