The In The Heights Characters Play Monopoly

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Usnavi- Usnavi would be the one who makes everybody stick to the rules and plays fair. He would yell at anybody who cheats and is always the banker because he "doesn't trust anybody else,". He always has heated arguments with Sonny about the rules, especially when somebody lands on the Free Parking space.  Once, Sonny tried to team up with Vanessa, and Usnavi did not take that well. 

Sonny-  You know that one person who always tries to cheat in Monopoly? Yeah, that's Sonny. He and Usnavi always clash on the rules, what you can and cannot do, and always wines about his not being the banker. Once, he tried to team up with Vanessa, and that did NOT go well with Usnavi, because he claimed the rule book didn't say you could team up, but it could be that he was salty Vanessa teamed up with Sonny instead of him. He gets salty if he does not win the game.

Nina- Nina would play fair and play by the rules, and she would be smart and strategize in order to win the game and make the most money. She teams up with Benny sometimes. She has won the most times when the group gets together to play Monopoly. She also is the de facto mediator when a fight breaks out among two people, mostly between Usnavi and Sonny. 

Vanessa- After a few games of Monopoly with the group, Vanessa soon finds out that Usnavi had a weakness, and that is her. After realizing this, the next game, she took full advantage of that and flirted with Usnavi when it was his turn. He ended up losing, but made some excuse about being overworked or something. 

Benny- Benny and Nina would team up sometimes, much to Usnavi's protesting. When he plays with Nina, they are unstoppable. He and Nina are the best at the game and strategizing to make the most money. 

Daniela- Daniela would distract her competitors with gossip, and Carla has fallen in that trap many, many times. However, she would buy every single property she lands on, which ultimately turned out to be a bad decision. 

Okay! That's all! Feel free to comment and add your thoughts on what YOU think the Heights characters would do if they played Monopoly.

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