Musical Lyrics In Everyday Situations

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A student: Hey, have you started on your final essay, yet? It's worth a lot of our grade...

The musical fan: I know, I know, I gotta go, and get back to my pen and ink, but... it's so tedious and not to mention hard! Do you know HOW long it took me to write my introduction?!

The student: Or maybe it's because you don't want to do it and you're trying to hold it off as long as you can. You DO know it's due tonight by midnight, right?


The fan's mom: Honey, how many times have I told you, you need to stop procrastinating [A/N: THIS IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE FIRST ONE, I SWEAR!]

The musical fan: I've been trying, I'm not lying! 

The fan's mom: Yeah, right...every project that you've had all year, you've started the day before it's due.


The musical fan (to her friend, sarcastically): Oh, great job! Your need for attention and drama was so huge that you decided to blow Sabrina's big secret out of the water! God, I hope you're satisfied!

The friend: Well, let me put this in a language you understand... sorry not sorry 'bout what I said! I'm just tryna have some fun!

The musical fan: You're a reaaaaal crappy person, you know that?


The musical fan's younger sister: Hey, sis, how's college life?

The musical fan: Oh, you know... lots of tests, lots of papers... but it's way different from high school. You have WAY more freedom.


The musical fan's friend: Hey, can you tell me what's the time?

The musical fan: Well, it's gotta be close to midnight!


The musical fan: Well, I have a speech to make in Debate class... I guess I better think of something to say!


The musical fan's friend: Ah, I love making new years' resolutions! They are a chance to improve yourself!

The musical fan: Oh please. I stopped trying long ago. You get all hopeful, and make these promises, and the next thing you know, you're lyin' like Pinocchio!

My Fandom Imagines/OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt