Sanders Sides Playing Among Us

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Logan- Plays as Blue. He would be very smart, complete his tasks dilligently, and during emergency meetings, he would use attorney level deducing to try to figure out who is the imposter. When he gets voted for because he seems "sus", he would be like "THAT'S NOT A VALID REASON!"

Logan: (Finishing a PowerPoint explaining why he isn't the imposter) yeah, I am not the imposter.

Roman: Guys, vote Logan.

Logan: WHAT?! I didn't KILL anybody!

Roman: You killed my patience and fun!

(Logan gets voted out)

Roman- Plays as Red. He would be a pretty good imposter, but a bit of a lazy crewmate. Virgil would be constantly tell him to hurry up in the tasks. During emergency meetings, he would be like "this is stupid as h*ll. I'm gonna skip the vote"

Patton- Plays as Cyan. He would be a very bad imposter, for sure. He'd refuse to kill anyone or sabotage. He would be a pretty good crewmate, lending a helping hand to the others.

Virgil-Plays as Purple. He would be the one to call an emergency meeting, for sure. And the one to report a dead body. He'd be a bit anxious during the round, that's for sure. He'd be a helpful crewmate, like Patton, and a surprisingly good imposter.

Remus- Plays as Green. He'd be going on a killing spree if he's the imposter. He'd be a VERY BAD crewmate, not doing his tasks, and saying very unnecessary things in the chat. If he's not spamming it, he would be saying inappropriate stuff in it.

Janus- Plays as Yellow. He would be an EXCELLENT imposter, for sure. He'd make sure his cover is not blown, and he would frame someone during discussion time. He'd be an okay crewmate, though.

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