User's Guide To Your Hamilbot: Angelica

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[A/N: I saw a fanfic doing something like this for the Rent characters, so I took inspiration from that]

The User's Guide To


By Miranda Bots Inc.

Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of an ANGELICA unit!  We thank you for your purchase and hope you enjoy your ANGELICA unit.

In order to gain the most from your ANGELICA unit, we advise that you follow these guidelines:


Name: Angelica Schuyler

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7


Your ANGELICA unit comes with these accessories:

A copy of "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine: Your ANGELICA unit likes to read this book so men think that she's intense or she's insane. 

Clothes: Your ANGELICA unit comes with a red dress with a corset, and a red gown.


Your ANGELICA unit has several uses.

Roasting: Do you have someone you want to put in their place? Well, your ANGELICA unit can burn people  to a crisp if she sees fit. She has a witty retort ready to go to set people in their place and leave their mouths hanging. This feature can cause an ALEXANDER unit or THOMAS unit go into overdrive, so use this feature with those units with caution.

Comforting: Did your boyfriend cheat on you? Did your friend utterly betray you? Your ANGELICA unit can comfort you and help you feel better about what happened. Then she can give said betrayer a piece of her mind.

Dazzling the room: If you have a party or dance coming up, be sure to bring your ANGELICA unit! Your ANGELICA unit is especially built to dazzle the room and be the life of the party at those events! Then you're sure to be the toast of the town!

Toasting: If you have a wedding coming up soon, then your ANGELICA unit can give a pretty great toast. However, rewinding and sizing your groom up may occur so use this function with caution.


Your Angelica unit MUST be cleaned in warm water with body wash.


Q: My ANGELICA unit is has been almost always seen comforting a crying ELIZA unit lately. What's with that?

A: Your ANGELICA unit is comforting the ELIZA unit because the ELIZA unit got cheated on by an ALEXANDER unit. If this happens, keep your ANGELICA unit away from the ALEXANDER unit, because if  not, this can result in overdrive or even bodily harm inflicted on the ALEXANDER unit.

Q: Why is my ANGELICA unit reading "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine?

A: Because you want a revolution, she wants a revelation. She also wants to get a THOMAS unit to include women in the sequel.

Q: My ANGELICA unit is suddenly angsting. Why is that?

A: Your ANGELICA unit is in the "WINTER'S BALL" setting and she is angsting because she sacrificed her feelings for an ALEXANDER so an ELIZA unit can get together with the ALEXANDER unit. If that is the case, then switch her to the "SATISFIED" setting, and she'll be happy that at least the ELIZA unit is the ALEXANDER unit's wife.

Q: My Angelica unit is looking for a mind at work.

A: That is because your ANGELICA unit is very intelligent and she wants a partner who matches her intelligence.

Final note:

We hope you thoroughly enjoy your ANGELICA unit because there are no refunds.

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