If Hamilton Were A Movie...

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-First and foremost: THEY HAVE TO PUT CONGRATULATIONS BACK IN! Preferably right after Burn. Yeah, I'm evil that way, Alex.

-It would be nice if some of the original cast reprised their roles, but I'd also like to see some new actors on the screen, too.

-It would be very cool if during Satisfied when Angelica "rewinds", she goes up toward the viewers, snaps her fingers, and then the screen rewinds.

-During "Say No To This" when the ensemble says "no!", they should cut to Eliza in her bed at her father's house with Alexander's letters or something.

-Some songs like "Burn" and "Wait For It" HAVE to be sung live!

-There should be some spoken scenes like in between Cabinet Battle 1 and Take a Break, there could be a short conversation between Madison and Jefferson where Jefferson's like "Yo! This dude is a lot!" and Madison's like "I told you so!"

-Non-Stop would be very cool or very messy depending on if it's directed well.

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