In The Heights In A Nutshell

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Pete: Imma vandalize the bodega while doing a kick-a** dance! (Spray paints and dances)

Usnavi: YO! PETE! GET OUTTA HERE! I'm sorry you had to see that, folks! My name is Usnavi. You probably have NOT heard that name, so DON'T MAKE FUN! Anyway, I had a very angsty childhood. I came from the Dominican Republic when I was little and my parents both died, and... (smells the milk) OH MY GOSH! WHAT'S THAT SMELL?!

Abuela Claudia: Hola! Alabanza! Qué paso, Usnavi?

Usnavi: My dang fridge is broke and now I have no milk!

Abuela: Try some condensed milk.

Usnavi: Great idea. Oh, here's your lotto ticket!

Abuela: Paciencia y fe! (Kisses it)

Usnavi: Okay, that was Abuela, but she's not actually my abuela. Weird, huh... anyway, now I'm gonna tell you how to get to Washington Heights. Just take the subway and get off at 181st street.

The community: Yay, Washington Heights! We may be poor but we love it here!

Kevin: Hey, Usnavi, hit me up with some coffee and some lottery tickets!

Camila: Just. One. Oh, I'm so sorry you had to see that, Usnavi, Nina is coming home from college...

Daniela: NO ME DIGA! Did you hear what happened with Yesiña and Julio? Apprarently...


Sonny: SONNY MAKES AN ENTRANCE! Wait, wrong musical...

Usnavi: You're late...

Sonny: Well, I'm everyone's favorite character, so I have to be fashionably late!

Benny: You ain't got no skills!

Usnavi: And that's my BFF, Benny, and... WHOA! HOLY [bleep!] IT'S VANESSA!!!

Vanessa: I have the best entrance ever... anyway, Mr. Johnson, you HAVE to trust me! I DO have the money to pay the rent! No, wait... don't hang up....

Benny: (Under his breath) Usnavi, ask her out...

Vanessa: Gimme some champagne because I won the bet! I'm moving!

Usnavi: Um... uh... here's your coffee for free...

Vanessa: M'kay, byyyyeeee!

Usnavi: Well, that's our neighborhood, where we blast music all night and stuff..

The community: YAY! WASHINGTON HEIGHTS! (Strikes a pose)


Nina: (Enters) I get to sing an awesome but angsty solo! No one knows this yet, but I ended up dropping out of college!

The community: YAY! It's Nina!

Nina: (College angst)

Benny: (to Kevin) Pleaaaaaaaase let me run the dispatch!

Kevin: Okay, fine, but no rapping! (Leaves)

Benny: What up, Washington Heights! This is Benny on the dispatch! Now it's time for a super cool rap about traffic conditions and... wait a minute!

Nina: Benny, help! Any my parents?

Benny: Oh your parents? They're on their way... anyway, it's good to see you again. Can you say "hi" to everyone?

Nina: Fine... (riffing) Helllllooooooo! Good mooooorning! Whoo! I NAILED that riff! Okay bye, I gotta go now.

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