F A C T S !

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Welcome to a special chapter!  This is all of the things you all probably want to know regarding this story. These are just some facts I decided to throw out for you guys. In addition, you are free to ask questions all about this fanfic by commenting, I will be sure to answer them all.

Fact 1: Carolyn and Kristel are based out of real people who have also the same names and personalities. They are Unknown and ujiii_jisooos here in Wattpad, they are actually my best friends in real life haha.

Fact 2: I decided to not use [Friend's Name] because I wouldn't be able to describe the reader's friend accurately, I can't just ask for the reader to give their friend's name then give them different personalities that are unlike to the reader's actual friend. 

Fact 3: The idea of having Ben, or later on being known as Chris, is somewhat a mind twister for the reader. You know, like Ben and BEN are not actually the same person. I liked the idea of BEN Drowned having a prisoner to do his dirty work, plus I like messing around with people's heads and confusing them.

Fact 4: Ben or Chris was just a one-sided character for me, I just wanted him to exist in this story to be a distraction. He doesn't have a personality and there's only a little information about him because I'm too lazy to think of one plus I couldn't make an entire chapter about/dedicated to him personally.

Fact 5: Chapter 11 entitled "A slow dance to reality", the part where you caught Ben and Kristel making out in the bathroom, I can explain... You see, Ben is actually Chris and the one you kissed and danced with is actually BEN Drowned in disguise. The reason why they were making out it's because it was part of BEN's plan, somehow Ben/Chris forced Kristel to make out with him since he knew she had a crush on him. This idea was made to somewhat break the reader's expectations.

Fact 6: The idea for chapter 13 entitled "Vertigo" somehow popped inside my head thinking that the reader and BEN's scenes always take place inside the house or inside the reader's bedroom, and I wanted to have a chapter where you suddenly forget that there's danger or conflict because you're goofing around. I slipped some personal information about BEN n' shit.

Fact 7: Every dream that the reader had in the story is an omen or prediction of the future.

Fact 8: The chapter entitled "Lament" was about how Carolyn is secretly battling BEN just to protect you, she killed herself because of depression and insanity that she hid throughout the story. Ever since the first encounter with Cleverbot, BEN has been targeting her because it was part of his plan to destroy your life.

Fact 9: The chapter entitled "The Blind Truth", where you discover the operator's symbol on Carolyn's collarbone was actually marked by BEN meaning she was a victim by Slenderman's "proxy" and is bound to die.

Fact 10: The concept for the reader not being determined to even try to escape from BEN was inspired by some random question that popped up randomly inside my head when I was writing the chapter. "What if the reader doesn't escape unlike in the other fanfics?" And I decided to go for it because I wanted to be somewhat "original"

Fact 11: I recreated Ticci Toby's personality but still kept the annoying personality but changed it a little bit. Therefore, Toby appears to be immature and annoys people to get what he wants, and no, he doesn't like waffles.

Fact 12: The chapter "Mind Twister" seemed to be rushed because a lot of people died(lol it's just 2). Since BEN wanted to make your life a living hell and make you drown in depression, he makes you kill a person you barely know. I could not think of another reason for Kristel's death and it's kinda urgent so I thought about the concept of BEN chopping her head off then stitching it back to her neck to create the illusion that she's still alive. I know it's lame or unoriginal but man I ran out of ideas lmao.

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