Epilogue: You Will Never Know, But it's okay, I love you anyway

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She smiled along with her friends after exiting the campus, they talked and giggled as the wind blew accompanied by the sun's pleasing sunshine. She was a new person with a new life she never imagined to have, hopefully, she became happy as well as contented. The ability to forget about the past was something she mastered after a month, words were not enough to express her gratitude to the heavens above.

"Any plans for today [Name]?"

[Name] simply smiled then shook her head, her friends only chuckled at this. They walked side by side on the familiar pavement, the weather felt like sweet summer despite being the end of August.

"Don't you guys need to study for the upcoming exams?"

"Screw that, I have enough stock knowledge"

"Whatever you say Arvi"

The conversation didn't continue, but [Name] did not complain nor tried to keep the conversation going, she's been such a quiet person since. The girl could still remember it like it was yesterday, the day she thought she lost hope.

Waking up in a hospital bed was enough to frighten her, but what was much worse was the very unfamiliar faces that asked her personal questions. It turned out that she was saved by a couple who happened to be driving on the road near the forest where she was found unconscious, luckily, they managed to save her before she perished. It was something hard to believe and muster but she listened to them. [Name] thought it was all just a dream, those crimson eyes still haunted her secretly to this day. The girl lived on her own at an apartment, she thanked the couple for saving her life though she also felt confused about why she even did.

A decent job at a local cafe was enough to sustain her needs for college, she had food to eat and good friends to laugh with, needless to mention, she was just like before. Of course, she did not tell anybody about her real past, who she really was, she wanted to move on and start all over again. However, those nights were she stayed awake not because of schoolwork but the thoughts of hope and memories from before, [Name] was ashamed to say that she missed the blonde-haired elf let alone falling secretly in love with him. No matter how drunk she got, she could not drink away the memories she knows labeled as traumatizing.

"You alright [Name]? You've been dazing off more than just once"

"Oh, I'm fine Clyde, don't mind me"

Her female friend, Clyde, gave her a nod and a hum. Eventually, they departed for the day, she walked alone in the quiet street with the sun almost disappearing as it would always do. When she entered the suburban apartment, a sigh escaped her lips followed by a frown, her feet guided her up the stairs to her room. The room was small but enough for her to live alone, the kitchen and living room were attached while the bathroom and a single room were separated, the space it had made her feel more alone than she should.

After kicking her shoes off, [Name] went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for herself, it was nothing but a simple lasagna enough for two. With the television open and her dinner on her lap, she watched the news as she would always do without a valid reason. Alas, her dinnertime ended sooner than expected, the girl felt her stomach being full but her mind being drained and out of energy.

I still have school works to do, ugh

[Name] secretly complained to herself. When she entered the room, she instantly grabbed her laptop from her bag as she opened it, settling it on her bed. With a groan, her eyes read the messages she received thinking it was all stupid emails or unimportant messages from her current group chat. Her prediction was right making her roll her eyes out of annoyance because of not seeing an important message until one individual message made her blood turn slightly cold.

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