Insecurity+Parenthood=Sleepless nights Chapter 11.

Start from the beginning

"Not a guy, Missy. She raped me!!"

More Laughter

"Wooow okay stop with the jokes why did you really call? What do you need money, a phone number, a job what?"

"Nooo I need help on what to do!! Im lost here and everything is so out of place, im dying for a drink right now and you know I don't need to go down that road again!!" I screamed into the phone holding my head in pain from the drink I was given.

"Okay wow your serious. Well did you say Sadie came back here to VA?"

"Yeah, left about 3 or 4 hours ago, then I was talking to Missy and she was all about 'Getting even' with Drew and Sadie then she tried to get me to sleep with her when that didn't work she drugged me and we ended up sleeping together."

"Well, were you awake?"

"No, I passed out. Everything went black. But next thing I know I woke up with a hard on, my pants down and Missy, Jonas and I were looking like idiots."

"I'm not all to sure about the whole Missy situation but as far as the Sadie situation goes, you need to call her and get things straight with her, because I know you love that girl. If I see her around town I'll say hey and try my best to help out as much as I can. But watch out for that Missy, I just ... Travis began to laugh ... I don't know about her."

"Yeah, okay I will. And shut up its not that funny."

"Yeah, well don't go off and get yourself raped again."

"Oh Fxck you."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and dialed Sadie's number.

*~Xavier's POV~*

"What are you doing here?" I said stumbling and holding myself up on the door.

"I'm sorry, I left my Jacket. Ran out so fast I just came back to get it now that the rain stopped."

"Oh .. Hollld umm ehh emm hold on a sec." I got ready to grab Melonie's jacket when my phone rang.

"Heee ehh emm hello?" I said trying to get over to the couch, Melonie walked in and grabbed her jacket.

"Xavier...? Are you drunk?"

"What drunk no baby, maybe a little but nnooo!! I missed woah, ummm Cassidy?"

"What the hell I've been gone almost a week, I finally get to talk to you and your drunk. How do you think I feel Xavier?" There was a long silence in the phone until I tripped trying to hang on to the counter top to retrieve Melonie's plate, causing a piece of glass to fall.

"Woah ... didn't see that ehh emm didn't see that coming." I looked up to see Melonie laughing hard at my struggle.

"Who are you talking to Xavier?" Cassidy screamed so loud, it made my head hurt a little.

"Nobody, Cassidy how are you doing baby? Wait let me sit down."

"I'm great babe, its great here. And the people are so nice."

"Woah ... ummm wow!!" I said a little distracted by Melonie's laughter, as she whispered I'll pick up this glass.

"There's glass every where."

Insecurity+Parenthood=Sleepless nightsWhere stories live. Discover now