Insecurity+Parenthood=Sleepless nights Chapter 8.

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Chapter Eight:

~*Xavier's POV*~

"So I Have the papers here and tomorrow Azalia will officially be a second grader, and your sure that's okay with you and Cassidy?"

"Yep, we talked about it already and Azalia is ready to see what the second grade is about also."

"Speaking of Cassidy, if you don't mind me asking where is the wife?" She said as she put her papers into a yellow folder and grabbed her bag.

"She went to Haiti for a few weeks to help out there, with a health group she works with."

"Oh, well that's nice of her ...!" There was an awkward silence as she shut off the lights and walked down the hall.

"And the kids?"

"Over at their grandma's house! They got into some trouble over the weekend so that's their punishment." Melonie smiled and walked out the school.

"Well, I have to go. I have a big dinner to cook my husband's sister and brother is coming into town and they just love when I make them This dish I like to call Harpers Island!"

"Harpers Island what is that?"

"Well, it's a mixture of cheese, meat, tomatoes potatoes, a little bit of spices and a special ingredient but I'll never tell ... she placed her finger over her lips ... so I have a lot of grocery shopping to get done."

"Yeah, sounds like you do."

"Oh I'd just hate to start a conversation when I just tried to end one but .. how did the game go Friday night, I missed it?!" I sighed and leaned my head to one side.

"ehhh ... well We lost. But it’s okay, one lose isn't anything. Oh speaking of the game I have the tickets for you and your husband if you want em I won't be playing in one of the games but I will try to make it?!"

"Oh yeah, of course I would love to take the tickets, I told my husband and Eric, that's his name ... he was just excited!!"

"Okay well tell Eric he can pick them up at my house."

"Okay, we will both come over tomorrow. And I'll bring some of my Harpers Island and you can try it then."

"Sounds great!"

"Okay ... she started her car .. see you later Xavier."

"Okay Bye." I stuck my hands in my pockets and walked towards the truck.

"I know you said don't talk to her Cassidy, but that Harpers Island sounds good!!" I said to myself before pulling off.

*~ Sadie's POV~*

"Hey Baby!"

"Carson, Hey!" I said giving him a awkward hug and kissing him on his lips. He placed my head in his hands.

"You feel warm babe, you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, Umm, I kinda my throat."

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