My hot ex-lover is back from the dead?

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"Are you ready Patrick?" Miku asked. It was Patrick's big day. He was wearing a beautiful, white dress that hit the floor with a floral headpiece. He was hot as.

Patrick was getting married to Alec and he was the happiest he had ever been. He could really see a future with him. Well, saying that, there were some obvious flaws in their relationship. Alec was sometimes really pushy when they slept together. Also, he didn't seem to care that Patrick and his dreams of being a musician. But that was okay. Patrick was willing to look over that because it was Alec. And his butt was nice.

It was a nice Saturday, expect it was raining. Taylah drove the rest of them to the church that they were going to get married in. The usually white and dull looking building was coloured rainbow with glowing lights.

Patrick closed his hand into a fist. He was nervous. This was it. His future. It was right in front of him. The doors opened and "Freaky Money" played faintly in the background. He walked down the aisle, Miku walking him down. He saw Alec at the end of the walkway. He was smiling brightly. He was wearing a tight, black suit that complimented his curves with a matching bow tie. Patrick felt his heart flutter, as if he was falling in love with him all over again.

"Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of NAME and NAME. You have come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, to offer your love and support to this union, and to allow NAME and NAME to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them.So welcome to one and all, who have traveled from near and far. NAME and NAME thank you for your presence here today and now ask for your blessing, encouragement, and lifelong support, for their decision to be married."

Patrick stared at Alec with love in his eyes.

"Will you, Alec, take this woman to be your wedded wife?"

"Yes," he quickly said, as if he couldn't hold in his excitement.

"Will you, Patrick, take this man to be your wedded husband?"

He hesitated for a moment. This was it. The rest of his life would be with him. Alec "the Chad" Smith.

"I-I do," he mumbled out. The way Alec smiled at him...he couldn't resist.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace."

This was it. The rest of his life. His future. His dreams. His ambitions.

"I object!"

The room fell silent. A single, tall figure stood up in the audience. Patrick couldn't believe it.



Tyler's POV

We all screamed. I couldn't believe it.

Taylah grabbed onto my hand, as if she was scared. Startled. I just watched in awe.

Patrick slowly approached Alex

The two lanky boys stood face to face, still the room was silent.

I didn't know whether he would kiss him or kill him, and by the look on Alex's face neither did he.

Patrick slowly raised his hand before firmly slapping Alex's left cheek. The sound of the slap startled everyone, especially me. I would have screamed except from that I have no voice since the tragic accident with my uncle when I was 17.

"What the fuck Alex?! I thought you were dead!!" Patrick screamed, his voice echoing all around the room.

He picked his hand back up and raised it to the boy's cheek once more, this time gently caressing his face. He leaned in and gave Alex a soft kiss, his mood clearly dampening.

"I thought I lost you," he almost whispered. He placed his hand on Alex's chest.

"I-I don't understand,"

"Just follow me, I'll explain everything but you have to trust me," Alex said. Patrick hadn't heard his voice since the surgery.

"I don't know if I can. I was just about to settle down with Alec, you can't expect me to throw that all away."

Alex leant forward, his mouth shockingly close to Patrick's extremely large ear.

"Patrick," Alex whispered.

"The last thing you can do is marry Alec. Trust me, please."

Patrick hesitated for a second. Alex continued

"I still love you. I'm sorry I left. I didn't have a choice," He kissed Patrick's ear gently

"Now don't make a scene, but you have to leave. You can't go through with this," he subtly placed a folded up piece of paper into Patrick's veil.

"Don't open it yet, you have to wait until the time is right; when no one is around."

Patrick pulled back and slapped the boy once more, but not as hard. He knew he had to make it seem like he hated Alex. He winked at him, so he knew that he agreed. Alex perfectly executed a triple backflip aerial 720 spin and left the building.

Patrick slowly walked back up to the altar.

"I'm sorry, but I can't go through with this today, I have too much on my mind."

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