Virgin Tears

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"God, you're amazing Patrick," Alec murmured, rolling over to his side in bed. Patrick was lying next to him, a faint smile on his lips.

They were alone on Alec's bed, sheets covering their hot bods. The world couldn't see their rock hard abs. Only the two of them could see each others.

Patrick leaned over to Alec's bedside table to get a sip of water. He noticed that it was raining outside. How dramatic—he thought as he lowered the glass and met Alec's gaze again.

Alec wasn't anything like Alex. Well, Patrick only kissed Alex, they hadn't gone any further, but he just knew. Alec was dominating and yet soft. Nothing like Alex who was just moody and sad all the time. Patrick was happy. Or at least, he thought he was.

"Now that we've been together like a week," Patrick began. Wow. Time was flying between them. He realised it then. "Have you ever done ''this""?''

This means sex. Yes they had sex.

"Yeah," Alec answered, more confidently than Patrick expected. "A lot."

He blushed, "Really?"

"Yeah, but," he folded his arms underneath his head. "That's all over for me. That was in the past."

"So you were like..." he pondered for the right word. "A bad boy?"

Alec lightly chuckled then answered, "Yeah. Sure. Why not?"

Patrick nodded and brought the sheets closer to his face. It was bloody cold.

"What about you?" Alec asked him, a small smirk on his lips.


Patrick felt embarrassed. He just lost his butt virginity to this guy that he met a week ago. Was he changing? Was he changing too quickly? And then he thought about it. Was this making him happy?

"Please tell me you've at least had your first kiss," Alec teased Patrick. The taller boy laughed.

"Well yeah," he shrugged. "But you're a much better kisser than Alex."

Alec paused. As if he was shocked. Then Patrick realised: he didn't know about them. Their past. Their hot, steamy past.

"What?" Alec snickered at first, as if he was trying to deny it, but when Patrick wasn't laughing back, he knew that he was telling the truth. "Seriously? When?"

"Like two weeks ago," Patrick said, but he was quick to continue. "It was before we met though."

"Was there something between you guys?" he seemed sort of worried. Patrick hastily answered again.

Yes—was his first answer. Because there was. There was raw, lustful chemistry between them. But Alex was always so complicated. So moody. Patrick couldn't handle him.

"I guess," Patrick said reluctantly. Alec sunk back onto the bed. "B-But it was nothing! It was just a small kiss and I can't even be with Alex. He's so moody and hard to deal with," Alec still remained silent so Patrick continued. "He's so loud, and annoying and childish..." his thoughts were wandering elsewhere. "...and caring...and soft and..."

"I knew it..." Alec said in a low voice. Patrick felt cold. "Go to him."


"You heard me."

Patrick immediately leapt out of bed, putting on his bright pink button up and his khaki shorts. Alec thought that it looked dumb on him. Haha he liked him more with no clothes on.

The tallest boy placed one light kiss on Alec's forehead—the last kiss—before he fetched his small wallet containing 50c and his OPAL card and left.

He got onto the next 199, his destination: his lover's house. He listened to Giant Steps on repeat to boost his motivation and passion. He could feel the raw energy that he once shared with Alex through his veins. It was powerful. Lustful. And obviously, very gay.

He hopped off in Dee Why, running in the rain towards Alex's house. The rain was somehow hot and cold at the same time. It was burning against his skin.

But when he reached Alex's house, he stopped.

He found the living room of Alex's house lit up. When he peered through the window, he saw Alex with Maddy. They were on the couch, snuggling with each other. Their chemistry filled the room.

Patrick hesitated at the door. He was about to knock on the door. His fist was hovering. But then he looked back again. Them. Maddy and Alex. Malex. So happy together. Then he shook his head.

He couldn't do it. At the end of the day, Maddy was his friend. And even if Alex was his one true love, he couldn't do it. He couldn't ruin their happiness.

The rain began to pour even harder now. He was absolutely drenched. But it wasn't the rain that was making his cheeks wet.

Patrick was very gay. But was Alex?

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