MMPR- Billy

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In honor of National Power Ranger Day (August 28th {Yes I know I am late}).

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

My first day at my new school didn't go as I hoped first, I got lost going to my first-period class then these two guys took my lunch. The only positive thing to happen was one of the students offered me some of their lunch "Don't mind Bulk and Skull they just don't understand the meaning of personal space and well anything dealing with manners. By the way I am Billy" a young man said handing me a sandwich "Hi I am Brice and thank you" I said taking the sandwich "I am sorry would you like to sit down." I watched as he smiled then sat down next to me. We sat there talking he told me about the city of Angel Grove and asked me about myself, which I gladly answered his questions. As we talked five other people walked over to the table asking if they could join us. As they sat down, they introduced themselves. I notice that each one wore a different color. The first guy I noticed wore White with his long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. "What is your name? I am Tommy" he said giving me a smile "I am Brice" I said smiling at him he returned the smile. "Hey, I am sorry for those two guys they have no manners. Let me introduce you to the others." Tommy smiled then point to the young lady in pink "Kimberly" she waved at me "HI Brice welcome to Angel Grove High" then he pointed to a young man in Red "Rocky" he didn't really say anything just waved "Hi I am Adam it's nice to meet you. We are actually in Biology together" Adam smiled at me then scratched his neck giving me a nervous laugh. "Hi, I am Aisha" a young woman wearing a yellow shirt said. I smiled at them "It's nice to meet you all." We continued to talk till the bell rang I thought after the bell rang I would go my way and they would go there, but Billy and Adam walked with me to make sure that I found my next class "Uhm Brice" Billy said as I walked into my class "Yes" I said walking over to him "I was wondering would you be willing to join me after school for some smoothies at the Ernie's" Billy said looking nervous. I smiled at him "I would love too." He looked up at me with a surprised look on his face. I watched as the surprise look slowly changed into a smile. "I will meet you upfront at the end of school?" Billy smiled I nodded my head then watched as he walked to his class "Ms. Carson will be joining the class?" Mr. Johnson said looking at me over his glasses "Yes sorry" I turned around walking to my desk.

Before I knew it my first day was over, I walked toward the front of the school. I stopped by my locker to pick up some books "Hey Brice" I turned around to see Billy smiling at me. I smiled back at him then closed my locker "Are you still up to going to Ernie's?" Billy asked giving me a small smile. I smiled at him then nodded my head. I followed him as he walked through the park toward the Youth Center where Ernie's was located. "Billy thank you for this afternoon," I said catching up to him. He smiled at me "I saw what Bulk did and well it's not right." We made our way through the park talking then suddenly, these grey creatures jumped out started to surround us. "Billy what's going on" I said looking at him. He looked at me then pushed me behind me protecting me "Guys We have a problem here in the park" Billy said speaking into his watch "Billy" I said hiding behind him "Ah blue ranger I see that you have a girlfriend" I heard this gruff voice say I looked to see this monster wearing what looked to be gold armor and another monster behind standing beside him. "What is that?" I said looking at Billy "We are on our way Billy" Tommy's voice came from his watch. "Brice, I need to get you to safety" Billy turned around touched my face "Billy what is going on?" I looked at him giving him a worried look then this grey thing came running up to us I watched as Billy kicked it across the yard into two more of those things. "Billy, what is going on please tell me I am scared, and why did he call you Blue Ranger" I said grabbing his hand "Brice I am the Blue Power Ranger" He said then block another attack. I managed to turn around in time to see the others running toward us "Brice are you okay" Adam said stepping in front of me blocking attacks along with Billy "Adam are you a Power Ranger too?" I said looking at him. Adam smiled then nodded his head "It will be ok I promise we will get you somewhere safe then explain everything" Kimberly said joining the others in protecting me. "Alpha I need you to teleport my friend to the commander center please" Billy said I looked over at him then suddenly he was gone, and I was in another place. I looked around to see I big tube and a lot of computers beeping. "Hello Brice, you are safe" I heard a voice say. I looked around for the voice but did not see anything "Uhm excuse me where am I where is Billy and the others?" I said scared out of my mind "It's ok you are safe. You are at the Command Center and the Rangers will be here soon." I looked around for the source of the second voice then I saw a robot walking toward me "Ay ya Ay" the robot looked worried as he walked around press buttons then stopped looked at me "Hello my name is Alpha 5 and this is Zordon" I watched as Alpha pointed toward the tube the a floating head appeared. I watched as this face appear "Hello Brice my name is Zordon." I recognized the voice it was the voice from earlier "Hello Uhm Zordon" I said nervously walking up closer "Where am I? What is going on?" I sat down on the floor pulling knees "Don't worry Brice you are completely safe here" Zordon said giving me a reassuring look. I sat there thinking about what had happened in the last few minutes. The person who came up to me when I was having one the worst day, he welcomed me then introduced me to some people that welcomed me like he did. "Brice are you doing okay?" Alpha said looking at me "yes thank you" I said giving him a small smile. "The Rangers will be here soon" Zordon said I stood up watching color beams come down then there stood my friends "Billy" I said running up to him wrapping my arms around his neck "Brice your safe" Billy whispered in my ear. I smiled at him then touched his cheek he smiled at me. I just looked at him then over at the others "You are the Power Rangers?" I said looking around at the Billy and the others. They smiled then nodded their heads. "Brice you know this needs to remain between us" Tommy said touching my shoulder. I looked at him, the others and Zordon. "You can trust me completely" I looked up at Zordon "Please allow me allow me to help" Alpha walked overlooked at me then looked at Zordon "It would be nice to have someone here to help while the Rangers are fighting Rita and Lord Zed" I watched Zordon as he thought about the possibility of me helping them. "Zordon I think she will be an excellent addition to the team." I looked over to see Billy standing there then took my hand. "Well welcome to the team Brice" Zordon said with a slight smile.

Billy offered to take me home because he showed concern that I really was not okay and that it was just a matter of time before it will hit. "Brice are you sure you're okay with everything," Billy said stopping me "Yes I am okay," I said with a giggle then touched his cheek. We stood there looking into each other's eyes then our lips were together. I slowly slipped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me "oh wow" I said trying to catch my breath. Billy smiled then kissed me again holding me closer to me. He walked me up to my front door then touched my cheek brushed moving strays' hair away from my face. "Brice, I like you. I have liked you since the first time we met." He said taking my hands holding them in his. I smiled at him "Billy I like you too" I said smiling at him then kissed him again. We stood there our eyes closed "Tommy and the others have encouraged me to tell you how I felt, but I was so afraid. When we were in the park all I could think about was protecting you from Goldar" He looked at me then wrapped me in his arms. "I was so scared, but I watched as you stood there protecting me. Then the others stood there protecting me. You wanted to make sure that I was protected and wanted to make sure I was sent somewhere safe. When I sent to the command center, I was so afraid, Alpha and Zordon helped me feel relaxed. I watched as you fought that monster, but I grew worried about you. When I saw you appear, I couldn't help but run to you I was so happy to see you safe." I wrapped my arms around him just holding on to him I didn't want to let him go. "Brice, will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered in my ear. "Yes" I said then kissed him softly.

The next morning when I arrived at my locker, I saw a flower and a note:

I have been attracted to you for a while
but didn't think you felt the same.
but in fact you might even like me more.
you think I'm beautiful and special indeed.
you've trapped me in your heart and blue eyes
you tell me you were to shy to tell me,
but I was too shy to tell you.
do you love me?
do I love you?
do you love me after all?
you say things that make me blush.
and tell me what I want to hear.
you call me baby and your love.
things really did work out, didn't they.
I've missed this feeling of love.
I guess you just might love me after all.

When I was done reading the note, I looked up to see Billy smiling at me holding more flowers. "I saw these and thought about you" He said smiling at me. I couldn't help smiling at him then I kissed him his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. I don't know how long the kiss lasted, but we heard people clapping. I looked behind Billy to see Tommy, Kimberly, Aisha, Rocky, and Adam smiling and clapping. "You finally told her" Tommy said patting him on the shoulder. I smiled laying my head on Billy's chest. The other's hugged us I smiled, and I watched Billy as he smiled then took my hand. As we walked to homeroom, he held my hand smiling.

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