Samurai- Jayden

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This story I might change it a bit right now I am unsure about if this is the path I want the story to take. Basically the stories plot and well everything is not set in stone. Let me know what you think ok (PLEASE comment). ~ Bea

For the first time in about a month Ashley woke up to warmth. "How are you feeling?" a voice said when I woke up, I saw a young man sitting beside me placing his hand on my forehead. "a little hungry" I said trying to sit up "Jayden how is the young lady doing? Is she awake?" an older man said walking into the room. I was getting scared cause I didn't know who these guys were, and I didn't know where they had me. "Where am I?" I said looking at the young man who the other called Jayden "You are safe." Jayden said smiling at me "You are at my home, Shiba house" The older man walked over with a tray "What is your name?" Jayden said allowing me to sit up "Ashley Maker" I said sitting up slowly still unsure if I could trust them. "Ashley I'm Jayden and this is Master Ji. Please do not worry you are safe here." Jayden tried to convince me that everything was ok, but he could tell I was still a little uncomfortable. He gave me a smile then allowed me some time alone. As I sat there, I remembered what had happened prior to me arriving at the Shiba house. I started to cry because it still hurt to know that I was now homeless and had a very real problem that I needed to figure out how to solve. I sat there crying when I heard a knock on the door. "Yes" I said looking toward the door to see Master Ji standing there "I thought you might need someone to talk too." He said walking in sitting next to me. I decided to tell him my problem, and I thought that the most that he would do was take me to someone that would help me. When I was done telling him my problem he reached over and hugged me "Everything will be alright." He said as he hugged me "You may stay here with us and help out till you have found another place where you can live." I watched as he stood up then walked toward the door. I was in complete shock because this man offered me a placed to live. He didn't know who I was nor the depths of my problems.

During the rest of the day I decided that I should tell Jayden about my problem. I walked through out the house looking for Jayden when I found him, he was training with the others that lived in the house. "Ashley how are you feeling?" He said walking over to me smiling "I am feeling a little better. I need to talk to you. If you have a moment" I said giving him a smile. He walked over to the others I watched him talk to them for a moment the made his way over to me. "Come we can talk in the meditation garden if you would like" I felt him place his hand on my back leading me to the garden. We walked around for a moment "What did you want to talk to me about?" Jayden said taking my hand. I looked into his eyes I couldn't tell him, and I couldn't place this on him. "I can't" I said then ran back to the house "Ashley wait" I heard Jayden call out as I ran to my room closing the door shut leaning against it sliding down to the floor crying. How could I tell Jayden that the reason that I was there was because my boyfriend dumped me when he found out that I was pregnant. "Ashley may I come in? Its Mia and Emily" I moved over so that they were able to come in the door. "Are you okay?" Emily said sitting beside me giving me a concerned look. I breathed in then touched my stomach then looked up at there faces. Mia smiled at me then sat down beside pulling me to her giving me a hug "How far along are you?" I looked at her then at Emily "Well according to the doctor I am about 8 weeks along." I said looking at my stomach. "Have you told anyone?" Emily said looking at me with concern "I have told Master Ji. I am tried to tell Jayden, but I just could not tell him." I said standing up walking over to my bed. "You might need to tell him or ask Master Ji to tell him. He is a very sweet person" Mia said giving me a smile. "He asked us to come talk to you, because he figured that you might be willing to talk to girls other then a guy." I smiled at her then looked at the door "Thing is the father of my baby doesn't want it. He would rather it be just us, well I don't think he even loved me. I realize that when he told me to leave." I said smiling then touched my stomach "He is a jerk for not wanting his own child." I looked up to see Jayden standing there "You and your child are welcome to live here with us. I have talked to Master Ji about it and he feels that it would be good to have another person here to help. Plus, you will need help once the little one arrives." I ran over to Jaden throwing my arms around his neck hugging him tight.

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