RPM~ Gem

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I have lived in the dome city of Corinth since we moved here when I was four years old

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I have lived in the dome city of Corinth since we moved here when I was four years old. My father operates a small store close to the base. We have a lot of people that come to our store but ones that I enjoy seeing are the Rangers. They have become good friends with my family and have really been there for me since my mama passed away. Doctor K has become a good friend to me as well and has helped me with my school work when I needed help. I try to visit them whenever I get a chance, and well when they have the time for me. 'Lily are you going to come visit today?' Ziggy called to me as I walked down the stairs leading from my family's upstairs apartment. 'I was planning on it. I wanted to cook you guys dinner since its movie night.' I said smiling at him. 'What are you cooking?' Scott asked jumping down from the counter where he has sitting 'Nope not telling' I said shaking my head as I placed the items I needed into the basket. 'Come on it's not fair keeping secrets' Flynn said walking over to me trying to look in my bags 'Really Flynn? Come on allow her to keep a secret' Ziggy said then tried to get the bag away from me 'Ziggy really?' I said moving the bag away from him. Ziggy and Flynn frowned at me then walked back to the register where the others were waiting on me. I had been looking forward to doing this for the past week after winning a bet with Dillion. Personally, I think he let me win the bet, but I really can't prove it. 'Lily sweetie you need to hurry up' Papa called to me. I sighed then looked at my list then in the bag to make sure that I had everything I needed. 'Almost done Papa' I called up to him. I walked up to the front smiling knowing that they would enjoy this meal. Papa looked in my bag and made note of the items that were in the bag. 'Okay your ready to go. Don't be too late be getting home tonight' Papa said walking around the counter to give me a hug. 'I will bring her home.' Dillion said walking forward reaching for the bags. 'Thank you. I know she will be safe with you guys' Papa said following us to the door. 'If there is any left I will bring you some okay' I said following the others. 'Who are you riding with tonight?' Ziggy said smiling at me. I looked around between the three cars that were parked there. 'Hmmm' I said placing my finger on my chin. 'Hey Lily' Summer said walking up to me. I smiled at her then hugged her neck 'Scott told me that your cooking dinner tonight.' She said smiling at me 'Yep Papa allowed me to get the items I needed from the store.' I said smiling 'Well come on let's go. Doctor K is waiting' Summer said then walked towards Dillions car. 'Scott may I ride with you?' I said looking toward Scott. 'Sure, hop in' Scott said smiling at me. I ran towards the car jumping into the front seat.

When we got to the garage Flynn and the others helped me with the groceries. 'Lily it is so nice to see you' Gemma said running up to me giving me a hug. I looked around but didn't see her brother. 'Where is Gem? I brought something for him' I said trying to smile at Gemma 'Oh he is helping Dr. K with something in the lab come on I will take you to them' Gemma said grabbing my hand leading me to where Dr. K and Gem were at. I followed her toward Dr. K's Lab where she was sitting at her computer typing away. 'Hey Dr. K Lily is here' Gemma said pulling into the Lab 'Hello Lily nice to see you tonight. Ranger Series Red, I am sorry Scott told me that you are cooking dinner for us' Dr. K said walking to me 'Yes I am.' I said smiling at her then looked at Gem, which he returns the smile then shyly went back to work. 'Well I will come get you guys when dinner is ready.' I said smiled at them then made my way back to the others.

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