Ninja Storm-- Cam

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Ninja Storm—Cam

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Ninja Storm—Cam

"Bree" Shane, Tori and Dustin called as they walked into Shells Ice Cream shop. I just smiled as I saw my friends walked over to their regular table. "Alex, Can I get their regular items" I said giving Alex a wink then made my way over to them. When I arrived at the table, I could see Shane and Dustin giving Alex a mean look. "Guys" Tori said nudging Shane's arm. Shane looked up to see me walking towards them. "Bree, How are you?" Tori said smiling at me then stood up giving me a hugged me "Doing good Doctor Gibs finally has allowed me to start wearing my regular shoes." I said then showed them my right foot. "That's awesome!" Dustin said jumping up then walked over to me giving me a bear hug then picked me up spinning around. I let out a giggle smiling at him as he sat me back on my feet. "Bree your special order is ready" Alex called out which earned him another death glare from Shane and Dustin "I thought your Aunt and Uncle fired him after everything that happened" Shane said sitting back in his chair as he crosses his arms. "He was fired, but they really need the help." I said trying to look calm, but I could feel Alex's eyes watching me. "I will be back in a moment let me go get your order." I said then turned around making my way over the counter. "I was wondering if we could talk after work." Alex said placing his hand over mine. "Alex, I don't think that it would be a good idea, plus I have plans" I said picking up the tray making my way back over to the others. "OH! Forgot to tell you Sensei wants to see you" Tori said smiling at me. I smiled because I knew what Sensei wanted. "Uhm will Cam be coming today or is he helping his dad" I said pulling a chair up beside Dustin. "He told me that he would be here, but I think that Sensei needed him to stay for about 10 minutes after classes." Shane said then took a sip of his shake. Tory looked over at me then gave me a smile. She is the only person that I have told about how I felt about Cam, and she promised not to tell. "Bree" Aunt Adel called from the kitchen "Sweetie Kelly just called she needs your help today for about an hour. Do you think you can help her today?" I looked over at the clock to see if I would have enough time to help Kelly at Storm Chargers then make it time to talk with Sensei. "Aunt Adel I have a meeting at the Wind Ninja Academy." I said walking over to the counter placing my tray on the counter. "Oh, I forgot" She said smiling at me then looked over at Alex "Sorry Ms. Adel I promised Mr. Taylor I would stay to help with deep cleaning the freezer." Alex said laying the towel on the counter. I watched as Aunt Adel sighed then made her way to the office. I looked over at the others smiled then started cleaning my tables making sure that everything was in order for the next shift.

I managed to finish cleaning the rest of tables before it was time for me to walk toward the Ninja Academy. Alex tried to walk me to the forest, but Shane and Dustin beat him to it and well Alex was not exactly thrilled when he saw them walking with me. "Bree, Don't worry I promise he will not even get a chance to mess with you with us around." Dustin said placing his arm around my shoulder. "Thanks Dustin" I said smiling at him. "Your Aunt and Uncle know that he is the one that caused the so-called accident, right?" Shane said giving me a worried look "Aunt Adel believes me, but Uncle Taylor still thinks that it was something else that caused it." I said trying to give him a calming look. Shane has never really cared about Alex after he saw him hit me at work, and ever sense then he has always protected me. When we made it to the hidden entrance to the Academy, I saw two smiling faces "HI Bree" Hunter said walking up to me giving me a soft hug "Hi guys What are you guys doing here? I thought Blake had a competition this week?" I said smiling at them. "it was canceled due to weather" Blake said then offered me his hand. "We offered to come help you through the barrier" I just smiled as I took his hand "Blake I no longer have a cast nor walking boot on." I showed him my right foot, but Blake just smiled. "I know Tori texted me a couple of minutes ago, but I still wanted to come and help" He said smiling then picked me up carrying me through the barrier. As we made our way through the barrier, I noticed that Blake held me protectively like he was scared that he would drop me. "I am glad you're doing better, and your leg healed" he whispered then placed me back onto my feet when we reached the gate. "Thank you" I said then kissed his cheek "I better go see what I can do for Mr. Watanabe" I stopped myself "I am sorry I need to go see what Sensei need to see me about" I stepped back smiling at my friends, but my eyes remanded focused on Blake as I turned around. "Bree, you came" I heard a voice call out when I turned around, I saw Cam smiling at me "Well Tori told me that your father wanted to talk to me" I said smiling at him unsure of what I should do. "Oh Yeah, Come on I will take you to him" Cam said walking up to me reached for my hand. I smiled at him then took his hand then he pulled me toward the academy where we would find his father sitting in his garden. "Father Bree is here" Cam said stepping aside to reveal me standing behind him "Good afternoon, Bree" Sensei said standing up then walked over to me. "You need to see me sir" I said then bowed like Tori had taught me. "Come with me" Sensei said as he walked down the path. "Cam, May I talk to Bree alone?" I looked back at Cam who looked a little disappointed. "Yes Father" Cam said then walked back a little bit then looked at me giving me a small smile. 

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