Ninja Steel-- Brody Romero

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** Guys I know that I have posted this in my other one shot book, but wanted to place it here too

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** Guys I know that I have posted this in my other one shot book, but wanted to place it here too. If you read it already it's ok, but please encourage people to take a look at it. Thank you**

"Hey why don't you just go up and talk to him?" Hailey said leaning against the locker "Come on he would never give me a chance" I said placing my English book in my locker closing the door. Ever sense I met Brody Romero I had this huge crush on him. He was the first one to talk to me when I first started at Summer Cove High school, and he introduced me to his friends who I have grown close too. "Come on Sadie" Calvin said smiling at Hailey. I just looked at him then closed my locker door placing my backpack on my back then made my way toward my class. "Sadie, Sadie" I heard someone calling my name I turned around seeing Brody running towards me  "Hey" I said smiling at him "Uhm can I walk you to class?" Brody said giving me a smile "I guess if you want too." I said turning around then made my way toward my English class. As we walked, he tried his best to start some small talk, but I could tell he was having a little bit of a problem. When we reached my class, I smiled at him. "Brody would you like to meet me after school at the tennis court? I have practice, but we can go get something to eat after." I said smiling at him "Sure" he said smiling then hugged me. When the hug ended, we stood there looking into each other's eyes I wanted him to kiss me so bad and I could sense that he wanted to kiss me. I watched as he moved closer to me "Oh come on! I need to get to class" a voice said then I felt someone push me out of the way. "Victor you know you could at least say excuse me instead of pushing your way through" Hailey said walking up to us glaring at Victor "please I am Victor Vincent." Victor said then walked into class. "Your ok Sadie?" Brody said touching my cheek looking into my eyes "Yeah" I said smiling then picked up my backpack walking into the classroom. When I walked past Victor, I made sure to slap the back of his head. The only one that knows that Victor Vincent was related to me was Sarah and Levi. I lean down then whispered in his ear " I am going to make a special phone call after school" He looked back at me "You wouldn't dare" Victor glared at me "Don't think I will trying me on it." I said holding up my cell phone with his mom's phone number on the screen. He just gave me a shocked look turned to look at Monty then back at me. Monty knew I would make that phone and he also knew the trouble he would get in with his mom. "You used to be fun." Victor said then turned to face the teacher. I just smiled at Brody and the others then turned to give the teacher my full attention.

            After school I waited for Brody, but he never showed up, so I decided that I better get down to the courts before my coach got to mad. As I approached the tennis court, I noticed that there were some people sitting in the bleachers "Sadie!" I heard my name called, which I thought it was the coach, but when I looked up, I saw it was Brody calling me. "Sadie where were you?" Brody said walking up to me "Your coach asked us to tell you that he had a family emergency so practice would be canceled for today." I smiled then looked over at the others "Well I guess that I have my whole afternoon free." I looked at Brody smiling at him. I felt him touch my hand I just smiled at him then felt him take my hand in his then lead me back towards the school. As we walked behind the others, he let go of my hand then slipped his arm around my waist holding me close to him. "Sadie hold on" Brody said stopping me "I want to tell you something" he pulled me close to him. I stood there looking into his eyes (man he has some sexy eyes). "Brody, we have a problem" Sarah called out "Stay here" Brody touched my cheek then before I knew it, he kissed me pulling me close to him. I felt his fingers as they twisted then fingers in my hair. "I will be back please stay here and stay safe" I stood there trying to catch my breath. He kissed me, he kissed me was all I could think as I watched him run toward where the others had walked too. "Well, well, well who do we have here?" I heard a voice say. I turned around thinking it was Victor but instead I saw a person who was wearing what looked like a cat mask. I tried my best to get away from her, but these things grabbed me. "Odius! Let her go!" a voice called out I looked up to see the Power Rangers standing there. "Aw Red Ranger what a nice to see you. It saves me the time in sending a message." What do you want Odius" the Red Ranger said walking closer to us "What do you think I want? I will give you your girlfriend for your Power stars" Odius said grabbing me by my arm. I watched the Rangers "Odius Let her go because we are never giving you our power stars" the Red Ranger said, "Why would I let someone who means so much to you." Odius said with a laugh. "Rangers please help me" I called out struggling against her strong hold on my arm. "Sadie" the Red Ranger called out then ran toward us. Before he reached me everything went black.

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