Ninja Steel-- Levi Weston

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            "Aideen!" Hailey called has she walked toward me when she saw me standing at my locker

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            "Aideen!" Hailey called has she walked toward me when she saw me standing at my locker. "Hailey" I said running up to her wrapping my arms around her then I saw my brother "Calvin my favorite older brother" I said running to him "My favorite little sister, wait a minute I thought Dad was sending you and Allete to the private school in Germany" Calvin said giving me a surprised look "Dad is sending Allete to the private school, but I asked if I could please stay here Summer Cove. I am tired of attending these private schools I want to be a normal teen." I said leaning against the lockers. "Hey Aideen!" Brody said as he walked up then gave her a hug "Hi Brody" I said then leaned closer to him whispering in his ear "Is Levi here?" I leaned forward to look him at him he just smiled then nodded. My older brother didn't know that Levi and I have stayed in contact since we first met, and well our relationship was a little more than friendship. "Sis we better get to class" Calvin said giving me a hug then walked toward his class being followed by Hailey. "Does Calvin know that you and Levi are well basically dating?" Brody said as he walked with me to my first class. "I haven't had a chance to tell him yet. I know he might freak out a bit knowing his friend is dating his little sister." I said adjusting my backpack. "Aideen?" Sarah said smiling at me "Sarah hi" I said giving her a hug "Wait I thought that your father wanted you to attend a private school in Germany?" Sarah said giving me a confused look "I asked him to allow me to stay here in Summer Cove. I simply told him I was tired of going to private schools that I wanted to be with my family." She smiled at me then joined us as we walked toward my class. "Have you told Calvin yet about you and Levi?" Sarah said stopping "He knows that Levi and I are friends, but I don't think he knows that we are basically dating. Our parents know, but they know how he can be towards his younger sisters." I said then I stopped in my tracks in front of me stood Levi smiling at me. "Aideen" he said then walked up to me hugging me "I want to kiss you, but I can wait" he whispered in my ear. When the hug ended I looked into his eyes wanting to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss me. "We need to tell Calvin before someone else tells him" I said touching his hand. "I know" Levi said smiling then took my hand walking with us. "Guys" Preston said pointed toward two people "Victor don't even" Brody said trying to stop him from walking over to me "Victor Vincent want to go out to dinner tonight?" Victor said walking up to me then picked up my hand kissing it. "Uhm no sorry I have plans tonight" I said taking my hand back "You are seriously turning me down? I am the best thing here" I just glared at him "excuse me but I don't want to be late for my class" I said then walked past him. "Aideen you are amazing" Levi said with a smile then kissed my cheek. I smiled then touched his hand. I wanted to hold his hand so much, but I couldn't risk my brother seeing us holding hands. "My class is right here I will meet you at lunch okay" Levi said pulling me close then touching my face then he leaned down whispered in my ear "I will meet you later ok" then he kissed my cheek. "Ok" I said smiling then walking down the hall a little bit walking into my class.

Over the next couple of weeks Levi and I tried our best to be alone together, but either he would need to be in the recording studio or Ranger duty. When we had a moment alone we tried to make it last cause we never knew when we will be able to have a stolen moment again. "Aideen we seriously need to tell Calvin about us" Levi said slipping his arms around me pulling me close to him. "I know" I said laying my head on his chest. I felt him kiss my head "Hailey knows that we are dating, and she feels that Calvin would not care." Levi said then leaned down kissing me deeply. "Aideen where are you" Calvin called out, but we didn't hear him till it was too late "LEVI!! What are you doing? When did this happen?" Calvin yelled walking up to us then pulled me away from Levi "Calvin" I yelled trying to hold him back "Calvin stop She loves him he love her" Hailey said running over to us helping me hold Calvin back "Levi she is my sister! My baby sister" Calvin said glaring at Levi "I know who she is, and I love her. She means so much to me and I can't explain how it happen or when it happen. Calvin she loves me just ask her I mean come on she is 17." Levi said keeping his distance not wanting to fight with his friend. Calvin after a while just walked away I tried to talk to him, but he would not even listen he just told me that he didn't want me to talk or even be around Levi. "I am hold enough to make my own decisions Calvin! I am not a baby." I said crossing my arms sitting down in a chair. "Dad will not like you being with a boy who is my age." Calvin said sitting beside me "Dad knows, and he is fine with it." I said moving so I wouldn't have to look at him. I heard him sigh then he touched my hand "you know no matter you and Allete are my world, well besides Hailey and dad" Calvin smiled then pulled me close "I just want to protect you no matter what and I want to see you happy." I smiled then placed my arm around my brother "Calvin Levi makes me happy. Please believe me he does" I said then hugged him. "Can I ask you a question?" He said lean forward the same way as Dad does when he wants an honest answer. I laughed the smiled at him "Ok what would you like to know?" I watched as he looked at the floor then back at me "Did you really turn down Victor Vincent the way that Sarah said?" I laughed at him then stood up "Bro Why would I say yes to Victor when I am happy with Levi?" I said then walked down the hall toward my bedroom. I heard him laugh then he was at my door "If you are happy then I guess I am happy too" he said leaning against the door then there was a beep. "Uhm I got to go, Dad wants to know if you can leave him a plate on the table. He said he will heat it up" Calvin then ran down the hall "Calvin I told Levi I would meet him for dinner" I said walking down the hall to notice that he had already left. "Man that was fast" I said then made my way to the kitchen. I had already known that Dad was going to be late getting home tonight because he rarely was here for dinner since Mom passed away. "Wish you were here mom" I said leaning against the cabinets. My watch made a beep then I noticed a text from Levi "Love I am sorry I am going to be late for dinner. Can we have a special day tomorrow?" I smiled then replied to his text "Yes if my brother will allow me to leave the house." I hit send then I received a text from Calvin "Its ok love ya Aid" I loved my nickname that he called me it actually helped me feel unique from my twin sister. "Love you Bro thank you" I replied to his text then turned to walk to my bedroom.

I managed to have a plate waiting on my dad when he walked through the front door. "Where is Calvin?" Dad asked placing his briefcase on the front table. "Uhm I think that Brody or Hailey needed his help with something." I said walking over to him then gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Talked to your sister and well she" He didn't finish his sentence "She doesn't like this new school does she?" I said taking his coat then hanging it up. "No She loves it, but she misses you" Dad said then walked toward the kitchen. "Dad, I miss her too, but I like being here with you and Calvin at least I know that you two will have a home cooked meal." I walked over hugged him I felt him kiss me on the top of my head. "Dad, Calvin found out about Levi" I said sitting beside him at the table. My dad looked at me then gave me a smile "He turned into overprotective Brother didn't he?" I smiled and nodded my head. "Were you able to calm him down or his he still in his Protective mode" Dad looked at me as he drank his water. I just nodded "I was able to calm him down, and he said that If I am happy then he is happy." I smiled then picked his plate up taking it to the sink. "Aideen, you know he loves you and just doesn't want you to get hurt." Dad walked over gave me a hug then kissed my cheek "I know Dad" I said giving him a hug "Aideen? Where are you?" Calvin called out as soon as he walked into the door. "Kitchen" Dad called out then winked at me. I watched as Calvin, Hailey and Levi walked into the room "Hi Dad" Calvin said walking over to us "Nice to see you son and your friends." Dad smiled then walked over gave Hailey a hug and shaked Levi's hand. Levi saw me standing there beside Calvin. I watched as he walked over to me smiling "Can we go outside?" Levi said offering me his hand. I looked at Calvin who just smiled at me "Aideen why are you looking at me for permission?" he said smiling then let out a giggle. I just smiled at Levi then took his hand "Let's go before he changes his mind." I said then pulled him outside to where we could be alone for once since Calvin found out.

We walked around outside for a while talking and actually enjoyed being able to be with him without worrying about my brother getting mad. "Aideen you know I have wanted to ask you a question for a while." Levi said taking my hand then touched my cheek. I pulled him to me kissing him deeply then smiled as he slipped his arms around me pulling me closer to him "Levi I want to be your girlfriend." I said then touched his cheek he smiled "Will you go out with me?" he said pulling me closer to him "Yes" I said then kissed him softly, then the kiss changed to a deeper kiss.

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