Dino Charge-- Chase Randall

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Chase Randal—Dino Charge

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Chase Randal—Dino Charge

"Hey Briana" Shelby said as she walked up to the table. "Hey Shelby" I said laying my head on the table then covered my head with my hands. Shelby sat down beside me "Bri what's wrong?" Shelby touched my shoulder. I shook my head I didn't want her to know what happened I heard her let out a sigh "What was his excuse this time?" Shelby said sitting back "He. Had a test in his European history class" I said sitting up then wiped my eyes "Hey Bri" Riley and Tyler said sitting down on the opposite side of the table. When they saw my face they knew what happened "Alex" they both said then looked at me "Where did he actually go?" Tyler said touching my hand "He cheated on me with Ashley Brooks" I said laying my head back on the table. "Bri dump him" Riley said moving to sit next to me "you can do better then him. Besides I know several guys who would treat you better than Alex" Tyler said "YEAH!" Shelby said smiling "Guys I don't want to date anyone at the moment" I said wiping my eyes "Hi Bri" Kendall said sitting down beside Tyler "HI Ms. Morgan" I said with a smile. I watched Riley start to move then I noticed Kendall as she moved too. "What's going on?" I asked as I watched them stand up then I noticed the reason. There stood my ex-boyfriend, Alex "Alex what's going on?" Shelby said walking to greet him. Then I saw someone walk up behind him. Shelby, Tyler, Riley and Kendall saw her too. "Ashley how are you today?" Shelby said giving her a fake smile. "Shel where is Bri at?" Alex said letting go of Ashley's hand "She was here, but I guess she heard your voice " Riley said walking up "Come on" Tyler said offering me his hand "Chase can you help me" Tyler said looking at Chase. I looked over at him then back at Tyler. Tyler pulled Chase over to side then explained to him about what had happened "It's okay Brianna I got you" Chase said then gave me a smile. As we made our way toward the exit I felt like Chase was trying to get me out with Alex and Ashley seeing me. "Bri there you are" Ashley said with a smirk. I just stood there closing my eyes hoping she would go away. "Hi Ashley" I said turning around to holding back the tears "Sorry to hear about what happened" Ashley said then hugged me. She knew what she was doing. If there was something she wanted she went for it and would get it she always did. "Bri" Alex said walking up to us "Hi Alex what do you want" I said giving him a painful smile. "I want to be friends, Please" Alex said reaching for my hand "Excuse me mate, but I think you and your friend have done enough." Chase said looking at them "I think we are having a private conversation with Bri" Ashley said giving Chase a death glare. "Well I saw Bri's expression and I didn't like how you were making her feel. I think you need to leave" Chase said then lean down whispered in my ear "Come on I will get you away from them" then offered me his hand. I could tell that Alex didn't like what he saw "Come on we will be late" Alex said then walked toward the door. I couldn't hold it in any longer I started to cry. "Bri everything will be okay" Chase said then pulled me close holding me to him. "Those two are just looking to see you upset, but don't worry I've got you" then he smiled at me. "Bri are you okay?" Shelby said touching my shoulder. "Yeah I will be okay" I said giving her a smile. The rest of day I stayed at the café with Shelby and the others. I knew that Alex and Ashley were waiting till I was alone. "Bri can I walk you home?" Chase said sitting across from me "Sure" I said smiling. We stayed there for a bit waiting for Shelby, Tyler and Riley, but they told us to go ahead "Call you later" Shelby said giving me a hug "Me too" Riley whispered in my ear as he hugged me.

As we walked down the sidewalk Chase stayed by my side and he would ask me questions about what I like, disliked and even asked me about my family. "Brianna, are sure everything is okay?" Chase touched my arm "Listen I know you have gone through a lot dealing with Alex. Especially when it comes to dealing with Ashley." Chase wrapped his arms around me then kissed the top of the head. I looked up at him "Chase" I said then slipped my arms around his waist. "Bri, I promise I will never hurt you" Chase smiled at me touching my cheek I smiled then laid my head against his chest. "Come on lets get you home" We walked the rest of the way to my house holding hands. The next couple of days I spent a lot of my free time either at the café while Chase was working or hanging out with him at the skate park. Spending my free time with Chase help me get over Alex, but Ashley still tried her best to get to me, but after a while she just walked away.

I met Shelby and Riley on my first day in Amber Beach and since that first meeting they have been there for me. "Bri you and Chase has been hanging out a lot. Anything you might want to share?" Shelby asked smiling at me. "Shel really?" I said smiling at her. What could I tell her he was fun to hang out with and he made sure that anywhere we went I had a good time. "Hey did you hear Alex and Ashley broke up?" Shelby said then showed me her phone. "Well she probably found another person that had something she wanted" I said then started eating my burger. "Brianna" a voice said I looked up to see Alex holding a rose "Please forgive me" Alex handed me the flower, but I didn't take it I just looked at him. "Brianna I want you back" I watched as Alex got on to his knees "Bri, will you be my girlfriend?" I looked down at him "Excuse me mate, but why are you asking my girlfriend out?" Chase said placing his hand on Alex's shoulder "Whay?" Alex said standing up then looked at me. I looked up at Chase then smiled "Yeah Chase and I have been dating for about a week" I said standing up then walked over to Chase kissing him softly. Alex glared at both of us "You and him are together?! I can't believe this!" Alex said looking at us "you messed up and she moved on to someone better" Tyler said walking up crossing his arms. "I do believe Lady Brianna is happier with Sir Chase" Ivan said coming up beside Tyler. Alex stormed off then looked back at us "You want to be with him over me!" Alex screamed back. Chase pulled me closer to him and I slipped my arms around his waist. When I saw him leave I smiled up at Chase then kissed him softly "You want to sit down for a moment?" I said smiling at him "Sure, are you okay?" Chase said then touched my cheek. "Yeah I guess" I said smiling at him "So when were you going to tell me?" Shelby said crossing her arms. Chase and I looked at each other then smiled "Guys we just wanted it to remain quiet a little longer before we told you guys." I said the walked over to Shelby "I wanted to keep it quiet to keep her safe." Chase said walking over to us. "I still don't understand why you didn't tell your friends" Shelby said still keeping her arms crossed "They told me" Koda said walking up to the group with a smile then everyone looked at us "He saw us one night on the loading dock." Chase said smiling "Shelby Chase makes me happy, and he does everything possible to make me smile." I said walking up to her. Shelby smiled then hugged us both "I am just happy to see you happy."

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