RPM-Gem (2)

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"Gem where are you?" Lily called running around the garage looking for her friend

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"Gem where are you?" Lily called running around the garage looking for her friend. "He went with Dillion, Scott and Flynn for some zords training" Ziggy said walking up to Lily "What's wrong?" Gemma said running into the room. Lily ran to her arms crying hard Gemma did her best to calm her down, but it was no use Lily would not tell her what was wrong. "You can tell me" Gemma said lifting Lily's head up whipping her eyes. All Lily could do was cry "Come on Gem will be back soon. Summer went to ask Dr. K to get the guys to come back" Gemma hugged her tight. "No, I don't want to see Gem" Lily said standing up then ran out of the garage, but she didn't get far before she ran right into the person she didn't want to even see. "Lily what's wrong?" Gem said sticking out his hand offering it to her. Lily took his hand her eyes watering. Gem looked at her with concern then pulled her to him holding her. She didn't fight him she just cried on his shoulder wrapping her arms around him pulling him closer to him. "Come on I am taking you to my room so we can talk" Gem said picking her up holding her close to him as he walked up the stairs. The others stood there watching him as he carried visibly upset Lily up the stairs. "Hey Gemma, what's up with Lily?" Flynn said walking up to Gemma "I don't know she ran in calling for Gem" Gemma said giving Flynn a concerned look "She does know that we know her, and Gem are a couple, right?" Ziggy said walking up to the others followed by Dr. K. "Ziggy right now I think she rather it be just her and Gem, but she doesn't know that we know they are together. Gem knows we know, but he asked if we would give her time and allow her to tell us when she is ready." Summer said sitting on the stairs. They wait there for a couple of minutes to see if they would come back down. They knew that if anyone could get her to talk it would be Gem.

After thirty minutes everyone went back to what they were working on all except Summer and Gemma who were worried about Lily. "I am going to check on them" Gemma said starting to walk up the stairs when she saw her brother walking back down with out Lily. "Is she okay? What's wrong?" Gemma said when he reached the bottom step. "She is asleep" Gem said sitting down on the stair running his hands through his hair before resting them in his hands. Gemma could tell her brother was worried about Lily. She smiled then sat beside him placing her hand around his shoulder. "It will be okay whatever is wrong she will let us know when she is ready". Gem looked up at his sister "I know what's wrong. I just do not know how to handle it right now." Gem said then stood up walking outside. "Hey, Did Gem get Lily to talk?" Summer said walking up to Gemma "Yeah, he just doesn't know how he is going to handle it" Gemma with a worried look. She was worried about your brother they always talk to each other, but this was something new to her. She knew that he really cared for Lily and had thoughts about thoughts about asking her to marry him. "Gemma?" Lily said walking down the stairs "Yes sweetie" Gemma said giving Lily a sweet smile. "uhm Can I talk to you?" Lily said sitting on the bottom step "Sure what's up?" Gemma said sitting next to her "I am leaving Corinth. My brother has sent for my father and I to join him at his base. Papa has decided that we will join him." Lily said trying not to cry. "Seriously?" Gemma said with a shocked look on her face "Yes, I tried to convince Papa for us to remain here, but my brother will be able to support not only his family, but us too. Papa will not need to work so hard at the store" Lily couldn't hold it in any longer she started to cry again. Gemma wrapped her arms around her trying to comfort her. "Lily it will be okay. Maybe your Papa will change his mind. I mean you have a job here at the base working with Dr. K" Gemma said handing her a napkin drying her eyes. "Papa knows and even told my brother, but he still wants us with him." Lily said then stood up "I am going to lay down." Lily said standing up then ran back upstairs.

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