Time Force- Wes Collins

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My Parents hardly could stand being in the same room for five minutes alone, but when it came to me, they would push that aside just for me

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My Parents hardly could stand being in the same room for five minutes alone, but when it came to me, they would push that aside just for me. When I was younger, they did their best to make the marriage work, but when I turned twelve, they could not make it work. My father had always been a hard worker and there were times when I felt that he his job and well his company meant more to him than I did. When my parents separated my father decided to move his company across the country. It hurt knowing that he was leaving, but he promised that when I visited him, he would devote all his time to me. My parents made arrangements that I would spend my summers with my father, and my mother would have me the rest of the year. When it came to the holidays, they started to celebrate it as a family, but after a couple of years they decided that they would switch out each year.

"Annaleigh are you sure your making the right decision?" my mom said sitting on my bed. "Mom we have gone over this I want to spend time with Dad." I said placing my clothes into my suitcase. "I know you have not got to spend a great deal of time with him because he has cancelled your spring break trip, but are you sure he is okay with you moving in with him for college?" She looked about me like she was about to cry. I moved my bag so that I could sit down on my bed "Mom Dad is the one who suggested it. He has promised that he will be available every afternoon. He really wants me to come spend more time with him, plus I am old enough to decide who I want to be with." I hugged her trying to comfort her "Beside you will not be alone." We looked at the door to see my mom's new husband, well my Stepfather Daniel. Daniel and my mom have been together since I was fifteen and really stepped in as a father when my real dad was unable to be here. "Ladies are you almost ready? Because if we do not get going Ana will miss her flight. Richard has already called me at least six times to make sure that Ana was still coming." Daniel walked over placing his hand on my mom's shoulder. He knew how close we were, and it was hard for her to see me leave, but he also knew that it was a good thing for me to spend some time with my father.

My father had sent his private jet to get me because he did not want me to fly on commercial. For some reason he did not trust them when it came to my luggage. "Miss we will be landing soon" the Flight attendant said with a smile. I looked out the window to see the clouds just thinking about how it would be living with my father after being away from him for five years. When we landed attendant told me that there would be someone meeting me when I got off the plane. I hoped that my father had come to meet me, but I was sadly disappointed. "You must be Annaleigh" a well-dressed young lady said giving me a smile "Yes I am. I am sorry who are you?" I said giving her a questioning look "I am Katie Walker. I was asked if I could meet you and bring home." She said giving me a smile. I looked down at the ground fighting back the tears "What's wrong?" Katie said placing her hand on my shoulder "I thought my father would be here to meet me." I said wiping my eyes then looked at her. Katie tried to give me a smile, but she saw that I was upset that my father was not here to meet me. "I was supposed to take you right home, but I think you could use a friend. Would you like to come with me and meet my friends? I mean your father stated that he would not be home till later tonight due to a meeting. So, we have some time." She said giving me a smile. I thought for a moment and figured why not I knew my father would not even care if I did not come straight home. Katie went over to the driver asking him if he would please take my bags home that she would bring me to the house before his boss came home. "If you need me please give me a call." The driver said handing Katie a card then walked back to the car.

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