Ninja Steel: Brody

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"Good Morning" I said sitting down at my desk then looked over to see Brody smiling back at me. "How are you today?" Brody said turning to look at me. "I am doing good. What about you?" I gave him a smile turning to face him. We sat there talking about the up coming school wide picnic that was coming up on Friday. "Good Morning" Levi said sitting in front of me. "Morning" I said smiling then started talking with Brody till the bell rang. "Hey, I will see you in second period." Brody said walking toward his first period class "Yeah" I said then leaned against a locker watching him walk away. I must confess ever since the first time that I met Brody I had a crush on him. There are only two people who know that I have a crush on Brody. Those two people are my friends Sarah and Haley, well there are a couple more people know how I feel about Brody. "You know he might like you too." I heard a voice say I looked behind me to see Levi smiling at me. "I doubt it." I said walking towards him "Come on we need to get going or we will be late for class" Levi said walking by me tapping my arm. I didn't move I just stood there thinking. "Hey Liz, why are you afraid to tell Brody how you feel?" Levi walked back to me then side me. "I am just scared that he doesn't share the same feelings as I do" I said moving off the locker then started down the hallway. "Liz how do you know that he doesn't like you?" He said catching up to me then placed his hand on my shoulder. "Levi come on what makes me so special? He has all of the other girls that want to be with him." I said then looked up the hall to see Brody talking to a group of girls. "Come on I am his brother I know a lot about my younger brother and he does tell me things that he does not tell the others." I smiled at him then made my way to first period class with Levi following close behind me. Levi opened the door to the classroom for me then followed me in. While in class I looked like I was paying attention, but I was thinking about what Levi had told me. How would I know if he liked me more than a friend if I do not at least try to tell him? "Liz" I heard someone call my name I looked to see Sarah handing me a note. "here I was asked to give you this" she said smiling at me "who is it from" I said asked "I was asked not to say. The person asked me to give you this note" she said sitting back in her desk making it look like she was paying attention to the teacher "Ms. Abrams I hope that you are taking notes." Mrs. Taylor said looking back at me. "Yes Mrs. Taylor" I said hiding the note till she turned around. When it was safe I pulled the note out then started to read:

It's just so hard to ignore you

Just so hard to not look at you

I don't know what it is about

That makes me feel like I do

No matter what they say

I can't think of you that way...

But its hard to say hey

Or just smile and simply wave

I don't know why I feel this way

And when you smiled today

Oh, how it takes my breath away.

I have wanted to tell you for a long time how I felt about you, but I was afraid that you might not share the same feelings as I do. I love it when you smile, I love to see you eyes light up each time you smile it lights up my day when you smile.

When I got done with the note I smiled trying to think who the note was from. I flipped the piece of paper around to see if there was a name or something to reveal who the author of the note was. I started to read the note again hoping I could figure out, but there was not clue at all. When the bell rang I started to walk to my next class, but first I needed to stop at my locker to get my book for the next class. "Liz wait up" Sarah said walking up beside me. "Where did you get the note?" I said looking at her. "I am sorry I promised the author of the note I would not say a word till he was ready to reveal who he is" Sarah said smiling at me. "LIZ" I turned around to see Brody run up to me. "Hey" I said smiling at him looking into his warm eyes. He smiled at me then pulled his backpack back on to his shoulder. When we reached my locker, I noticed a single red rose with a small note sticking out of my locker "What is this?" I said looking at the paper.

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