"Hey.", he greeted the other boy with a smile when he approached, "Sorry if this -"
- he pointed at the white cloth that hid half of his face -
"- frightened you. I just wanted to avoid that everybody sees my face."

He observed the other boy while he was standing there, looking hot.

The UA student had brushed his black'n'white hair towards the black side so that it was easy to see that he got some piercings this week.

He had a black stud and two metal circles through his outer-ear.

Shoutos clothes were a black leather jacket with some chains and barbs, a white shirt beneath with a light-grey print of a human skull that looked more like it had been drawn with water on the cloth.
Paired with this was black jeans with some rips and a washed-out look and, last but not least, black Converse with barbs and a jeans-look.

Izuku might have stared a bit too long and maybe bit down onto his bottom lip a little too noticeable.
But who could blame him?

said the taller one as he sat down on the opposite bench,
"I hope you didn't wait too long. And thank you that you came. It did startle me but if nothing happens you might as well remove it."

The one-eyed blinked several times before he asked again just to be sure: "You want me to take off the bandages?"

The mismatched teen shrugged.

"I'd like it if you did. The last time we met I couldn't see you in a good light and I'd like to do it now.
But you can let them stay if they are important to you."

The greenette thought at the speed of light considered Pros and Cons and finally reached up to open the knot that held the cloth together.

"I'll take it off but you still have to stay and you can't run away. You had your chance to spend the day with me and without my scars!", warned Stains protegee and started to unwind the bandages.

Shouto smiled at him when he finished.

"Why should I run? You look good."

The redness crept up Izukus cheeks unhindered and the greenette was sure he was as bright as a ripe tomato right now.

"What can I get for you?", asked the waiter who found time for the curious couple in the farthest corner.

"A-ah. Uhm... hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows, p-please.", stuttered Izuku and turned even redder.

"A latte macchiato for me.", ordered Shouto with disinterest and the waiter disappeared as fast as he came when he realized that the taller one wasn't going to become any friendlier.

The smaller one couldn't help the thought that their looks and their behavior actually looked like their roles were reversed.

He himself, Izuku Midoriya, the lovely, goody two shoes hero who helped everyone and was always nice and Shouto Todoroki, the cold villain who ignored everyone and hustled his minions if he wasn't working on making some heroes life living hell.

He laughed quietly. The picture was grotesque but he still could imagine it.

"What are you laughing about?"

"Oh... uhm... well, it's nothing big. I just thought that we both act like reversed roles. You: the bad guy, me: the good one."

Shouto chuckled and Izukus heart did some uncoordinated jumps which maybe even made it appear in his eyes.

"If I am the bad guy I should try to use all my newly learned knowledge to blackmail you.",
smirked Shouto amused before his mood turned serious,
"Tenya Iida and Katsuki Bakugo both knew a quirkless boy, who, if they are to be believed, made some stupid choices. They are the only ones in my beside me who know someone without a Quirk.",
started the son of Endeavor their conversation and was sure he picked the right names when Surveye flinched.

"Here's your order.", said the waiter quietly and hastily sat down the mug and the glassware before the delinquent could go for his throat.

"Thank you.", replied Izuku friendly and the man just nodded towards his direction after another feral glance towards Shouto before he fled towards the counter.

The greenette smirked.

"You terrify him, Todoroki-kun."

"If he's so easy to scare it's not my fault.", grumbled the other teen with crossed arms before he concentrated on the main reason why they met and braced his arms on the table whilst his free hand gripped the glass filled with a coffee that looked like it came out of a picture book.

"Anyway, considering Surveyes Quiklessness and the derogatory remarks of the both of them about quirkless people we worked on this subject a whole week:
Questioned people on the street, talked to teachers, contacted people who are involved, analyzed statistics worked through the laws - everything you can imagine.",
he nipped at his drink and continued,
"I have to admit I was surprised and appalled at the same time.
When you have a Quirk you forget that there are people without one.
None the less I had some interesting conversations with the principals of two different middle-schools about the only quirkless student they ever had.
Sadly they couldn't give me any names but they told me at the first school that he only stayed until he was twelve and then after some tragic incident on the school grounds he went missing until today.
But I found out something else.
Katsuki Bakugo was a known delinquent besides being a declared bright future candidate for heroics.
The first title takes root in, besides his all-day mannerism, his violent behavior towards this quirkless student."

Izuku observed his cocoa with the greatest interest whilst he stirred it with care but he still nodded and hummed when Todoroki made a pause to test if he still was listening.

"So. The second school was an expensive private-school where one Tenya Iida went to. Here I was able to find the name 'Zuko Midori' for the quirkless student because there is a trophy displayed where he's named as -"

"- the first student with the full mark in every exam of this school.",

whispered Izuku at the same time as the other boy said it out loud and shot a glance upwards,
"I know.
I stunned them all. I just wish I could have seen their faces."

The teen with the heterochromatic eyes smiled softly when the villain finally said something on his own.

"The interesting thing was: This time everything seemed to be good for the boy.
He had been adopted by the Iidas, had a nice brother who took care of him, was intelligent, athletic - even though he was disabled - his behavior was impeccable; still, he vanished two months before the exam without any trace just to return on the dot to participate and shellac all the students.
But when he should get his certificate he didn't arrive and so it was handed to the Iidas."

Shouto drank another sip and observed Surveye over the rim of his glass but the villain was simply sipping away at his drink, his mug clutched tightly in both his hands and he wasn't willing to lower it.

The hero-hopeful sighted and placed his glass on the table once again.

"I had been wondering if Zuko Midori had been Bakugos victim. It took some time but you've left me another trail: Deku."

The one-eyed choked at his sip and set down his mug, coughing.

"I was sure I heard the name somewhere before you said it so I searched the internet and found a quirkless streetfighter who was a big shot in the ring almost two years ago because his fights had the tendency the be impressively intense and surprising. He made a lot of money with illegal bets but also fought often while being drunk and always reeked of alcohol."

Izuku had his head on the table and looked like he wanted to disappear.
His ears were red.
It was easy to see that he was embarrassed.

"Behind the pseudonym, Deku stood according to the police a minor named 'Izuku Midoriya' who went to the same school as Bakugo and ran away after surviving a suicide attempt that destroyed his right body half as well as his eye. After that, he had been found the time and again with alcoholic poisoning or after other suicide attempts and had been delivered to hospitals where he vanished as soon as he woke up.
In the span of time where Zuko Midori lived with the Iidas, Izuku hadn't been sighted a single time.

And now tell me that everything is just a coincidence."

Beautifully Broken - Open End (English) [Villain!Deku]Where stories live. Discover now