A boy born with Nothing

Start from the beginning

"Bakugo Katsuki.", he answered without batting an eyelash.

It was a half-lie but Grian didn't have to know.

"By the way, his information is for free.", 
added Izuku as an afterthought,
"If somebody wants to know something about him they'll get a copy of his pages costless."

The man on the other end started coughing like he swallowed something the wrong way.

"Wait a sec… WHAT?! I heard that wrong, didn't I?! You just give away information about the most promising future hero of UA without any kind of payment?! YOU?!"

"He's the most dangerous. Not the most promising."

"My my… you really hate that guy."

After that, the greenette just ended the call without saying goodbye and sunk deeper into the cushions.

Just as it felt like he could calm down his mobile started to ring again.

Stain, who already had been dozing off, fell from the sofa whilst his protege pressed the green button in aggressive annoyment.


"Oho! So you did save my number this time?"


"Is your boss with you right now?"

"... I beg your pardon?"

"Stain? 'S he with you?"

"Why do you want to know?", asked the one-eyed suspiciously and threw a glance at the adult who was lying on the sofa again and shifted around to find a comfortable position.

"Because Tomura is taking apart the bar cos we couldn't find him on the streets nor his old flat which is, by the way, completely destroyed, decayed and abandoned."

"We haven't been living there for almost four months.", explained Izuku with a shrug.

"Then how can we contact you?"

"Search.", growled Stains student annoyed and ended the call again before blocking Grian for the next 24 hours.

"What's going on?", grumbled Stain irritated by the noise because he really needed to sleep before he made the final step in Izuku's training tonight.

"The League's looking for you.", explained Izuku and started to mumble with one hand on his chin just how it was typical for him when he was thinking about something really hard.

"Then they can keep looking.", he said in a frigid tone and turned onto his side.

Tonight nobody important was going to die. 
The first kill is something important of course but not as much as one might think because it's messy, ugly and most disgusting.

Killing actually is something one has to practice and bring to perfection.

The real first kill that matters is the one you make on your own and still want to show the world.


Shouto sat calmly at his table when a wholly bandaged Aizawa entered the classroom.

Besides him, there were only Ojiro, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Shinso, Aoyama, Ashido and Bakugo.

Everyone else was at the hospital or with consulters.

"We're going to continue with classes.",
told their homeroom teacher and sat down on his table,
"But not today.
It is remarkable that you came even though yesterday's events happened and you actually weren't expected to come.
I'll be real with you, the sports festival is going to take place and if you are capable to participate you'll have to do it.
But today we're just going to talk."

Beautifully Broken - Open End (English) [Villain!Deku]Where stories live. Discover now