Chapter Nine -- Asinine

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Chapter Nine -- Asinine

"All of it?" I asked, almost impressed.

"Everything is gone." He looked at me, defeated.

"How much?"

"Ten grand, maybe fifteen." Sam watched the expression on my face and bowed his head.

"Well," I said. "You're fucked."

Sam peeked out of the shed doors for a moment, his head filled of paranoia. When he stepped back in, he lifted his shirt up. "I'm not going to let them get me again." He revealed the glock in the front of his pant line. "Not this time."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You think that's going to stop them? It's not." I held my smoke in my mouth and in one swift motion, snatched the gun from his waist line and pointed it at him, inches away from his forehead.

Sam looks at me with a petrified expression, beats of sweat instantly coming from his temples. "How-"

I smiled viciously while smoke pooled out of the corners of my mouth. "It'd be so easy to pull the trigger. You're defenseless, alone and afraid." I pushed the gun against his glistening forehead. "You've got nothing."

"Eli..." Sam called out my name with a shake.

In his eyes, I saw nothing but red. And that's how he should perceive me. For a moment, we stayed in our position.

When I finally lowered the gun, Sam let out a deep breath of relief. "Fuck," He spat.

"Put this the fuck away, and for christ's sake, do not show Tony that you have this. He'll use it, and you'll instantly lose your chance of getting out of this." I pushed the gun in his chest.

"Fuck I thought for a second you were going to...-" He panicked.

I sighed after another long inhale of grey smoke. "Why'd you take anything in the first place if you had full knowledge you couldn't give it back? They're not going to kill you." I leaned up against his old dirty shelf that he made himself, out of wood. "It's respect. And you disrespected by not paying on time, and by doing that you gave them a big fuck you."

"I had the money." He stressed. "I had intentions, but it got... Messy."

I rolled my eyes. "A junkie can't use his own supply. You have a party with your friends, your brothers, Tony. And just a little is okay, then a little more. Next thing you know, you're all fucked up, and all the people you thought you can trust, turns their backs on you. They take, and take, and take advantage of your sloppy state. They become a snake, scoring off you, and if you think anyone gives a fuck about the outcome, you're wrong. It's not them on the line, it's you." I walked up to him, in his face. "You trust no one, in this game."

"You think I don't know that?" He lifted his voice. "You're the one that burned it in my head, taught me how to win when I get in over my head, Eli. You need to help me fix this."

I laughed. "I didn't tell you to get into this shit, Sam. You chose this, you made your own decisions. I told you don't selfishly skim off the top. I told you, you don't go to the big guys if you can't give them back. They will fiend off of you. They want you to fuck up so they can own you. Now look. You fucked up, and didn't listen to my advice. This is you. You're lucky I even showed up to help your sorry fucking ass, and if it weren't for Tony being involved I'd let them come after you, not a single thought in my mind of your name again."

I warned him.

Samuel wasn't a threat, he was just easy to walk on. Which made it dangerous for him to get involved with people he had no chance of winning against.

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