Chapter 18: The Nyaban brothers

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Kaya: And I... What have I ever done for him... Someone please help !! Merry's...

Merry: it's no use... Everyone went on vacation starting yesterday !

Kaya: Then... I'll get some help...

Merry: I'm your servant, how can I let you do MY duties for me ? Also, before everything happens, we need to think calmly and decide what we have to do now... Just now, I saw Klahadoll walk out the door. If... That Usopp said was true... then, he must have gone to the shore to join his comrades. Not only our lives, but the lives of the villagers are also in danger.

Merry: Klahadoll's plan is to obtain this house and the wealth, so we should just give it all to him ! That way we'll get to keep our lives !

Kaya: O... Okay !

Merry: Unfortunately, the only one that can stop Klahadoll now... is you ! Can you do it ? Even though you don't really have to...

Kaya: I know ! I understand, I won't run away ! I'm going to talk to Klahadoll right now !

Pepper: Eh ? That butler went to the shore ? Hey Carrot ! Wake up !

Carrot: But normally I'm sleeping this time of day...

Onion: Now isn't the time to sleep. Something awful might be about to happen ! I think pirates are about to attack the village ! I think captain was lying when he said that it was just a lie...

Pepper: I think so too !

Carrot: Me too ! Because he was acting kind of weird yesterday !

Onion: Eh ? That's... It's Miss Kaya...

Carrot: What's she doing walking out...

Pepper: Something must've happened !

Luffy: Zzz... Zzz...

Zoro: What's going to come out now...

Pirate: Heh heh... You'll all be killed...

Jango: Come down.. Nyaban brothers !

Sham: Hey ! The captain is calling for us !

Buchi: What ? They haven't gone to the village yet ? Why are they still here ?

Sham: Hey, look ! Everyone has been defeated !

Buchi: that's weird... let's go down and check !

Jango: Hello, Nyaban brothers.

 Sham (Right): Captain, you called for us ?

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Sham (Right): Captain, you called for us ?

Buchi (left): What's up ?

Nami: What are they ?

Usopp: Wow... Jumping from so high, they're like cats...

Jango: Buchi, Sham... We couldn't pass through this slope because those guys are blocking our way ! Now go and destroy them !

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