Uncle Eddie!

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I know this is rushed but I wanted to just get something out. Hope you guys like it, obviously not edited.
Third Person POV

Peter saw the news, how could he not. He saw the videos shakily taken of a black, monstrous creature rampaging the streets, the headlines of every paper, T.V news show, website filled with sightings of the crazy creature making people wary to step outside. Eddie has always been close with the parkers, even though he's only 25 (I don't actually know) they were still extremely close, before he moved for his career he'd come over every other day always helping May walk with the groceries living in the apartment at the end of the hall, Peter would have sleepovers every other weekend at his 'Uncle Eddie's'. Though Peter is just freshly 19 Eddie remains Uncle Eddie, the last time they'd seen each other was a couple days before Peter's 17th before all this other shit went down when it all went down. Now after all this thanos shit went down, everyone that was in the soul stone did age they spent 2 years stuck in the everlasting orange land. He formed a bond with the veteran going as white wolf surprisingly the guy is actually quite the comedian. But great triumph doesn't come without sacrifice, thanos may be gone but the people lost are irreplaceable Tony, Natasha & Steve, all amazing people who did everything, gave everything to save the rest of the world. The world spins on no matter what & somehow we have to learn to get back up & keep going, keep living, so that's what he did. Life went back to normal if normal ever actually existed, which, well who's to say.

The avengers aren't a thing anymore, because well there's no more Steve, Nat or Tony and Clint's back with his family, maybe he'll finally remain retired. That now begs the question who's going to protect the world. A lot of people keep throwing the title of new Ironman at Spider-Man in hopes he'll continue the legacy of Tony Stark. Peter moves into the tower and starts to try and rebuild the world of heroes. Then, aunt May's gone, like the world hadn't already taken enough from him. Pepper & Fury are the only ones to come to the funeral  both wanting to show respect to a woman who didn't deserve to leave quite yet. Moving on from her death was hard I mean he never fully got over his uncle's death in the first place but the world has to come first, it always does. Day after day is spent looking through folders upon folders to try and find new recruits for the avengers initiative with the help of Fury and Pepper who are pretty much the only people he can trust. Then Quentin beck came along, all that shit went down, no one there to have his back he had to fight on his own. S.H.I.E.L.D thank god for them managed to clear Spider-Man by finding proof and footage of Quentin's plan his identity still a mystery.

Peter freaked when he first saw the footage of venom immediately able to recognise him as some type of symbiote. He started tracking venom's movements trying to decipher wether or not he's a threat he also managed to find out the man behind him is none other than his Uncle Eddie, life really must like fucking with him at this point I mean it must get some pleasure from watching him suffer, what did he do in his previous life. Deciding to leave Eddie to his own devices he began to come up with plans on who will suit his team in the making venom already on the list. Next is gonna be teaching the recruits to work as a team easy right? No.

Peter's POV

I stare down at my smashed, silver iPhone which somehow still manages to work, god knows how. The T.V playing but it's only background noise. Rhodes walks in the whir of his newly improved leg braces making him less than subtle, he walks over to me as I let my attention fade back to the millions of papers strewn across the table. God, I don't know how Tony ever did this but I do know why he found the lab so appealing, I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance about ready to punch a hole in the wall. I look to Rhodes "I swear to fucking whatever god there is that Tony has a lot more patience then any one have him credit for. I never seen so many grown men in my life whine about more than a fucking 3 year old" Rhodes chuckles, the man is seriously a saint for how much he does looking at me with something between sympathy and humor, "Those business men are what gave Pepper a job, I like this no more than you. Though it annoyed me at the time I can sympathise with why tony never went to meetings. I know sometimes it's hard to believe doing all this is worth it, trust me, I know, but this will all work out it always seems to" I look at him with a soft smile, Rhodes has helped me so much him and Pepper, since everything after Thanos.

I always hoped nobody close to me would ever get dragged into this world of superheroes & evil & wars it's world everyone thinks is a lot more amazing than it is. Somehow I've found myself apart of that crazy world and of course it's my luck that now Eddie who at this point is pretty much my only family and link to the past gets dragged right into the middle of it all.  It feels pretty much like all these problems are being thrown to me to fix, all these questions about the future that I'm supposed to have the answer to. What the future of the avengers is at the moment we've still got Bucky & Sam taking on the new mantel of Captain America, we've also got Wanda floating around & Clint said something about a new Hawkeye in the making, Dr strange is also around so we've still got heaps of people. There's a list of other potential recruits as well and venom is on the top of that list. I also did catch a glimpse of Harley running around with looked to be some sketches & drafts for a suit. I know venom probably isn't the most 'friendly' looking and that's putting it lightly, but he would be a great asset. My phone vibrates on the edge of the lounge the screen lit up the contact 'Uncle Eddie'.

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