Where's Nick Fury?

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Ok big spoiler warning for Captain Marvel including the post credit scene. By the way it's an awesome movie "thank you Stan". Not long till avengers End game now. Spoilers from the Official trailer as well. warning for spoilers as this is my prediction on what could happen!
Third Person POV

Natasha turns around to come face to face with a lady in type of supersuit "where's Nick fury" she asks "who are you" Natasha asks guard up, the unidentified women glares back at widow as if daring her try and attack her. the lady relents and sighs "You might know me as captain marvel now where is fury" the women (Captain Marvel) snaps growing more impatient by the second "he was dusted as well as half the universe" widow answered and the captain (marvel) closed her eyes for a moment in respect, then looked up a certain hardness in her eyes.

"fury was told to only contact me in emergency circumstances so i'm guess you could use some help" She answers, thor looks at her then calls stormbreaker over and rests his weight on it while looking at captain marvel "i like this one" he smirks and she smirks back. Widow rolls her eyes not to keen on working with someone she's never met. "my real name is carol danvers i was a pilot for the army" carol continues deciding that she might as well tell these people her name

"we are what's left of the avengers, a group of enhanced people that decided to save the world" Steve rogers informs deciding that it's best to have trust between them if they're gonna work together, after what happened last time steve doesn't think he'll ever keep secrets from a comrade again. After the recent battle they need everyone that they can get, so they can get their families back 

A grumble of thunder or what they thought to be thunder cracked outside until they heard the unmistakable sound of jets, nobody should be landing as no one else should be alive. They rush outside and slow down in awe of the massive space vessel that's landing on the grass outside the sort of forgetting the fact that they are supposed to be ready to fight intruders.

the ship lands and the ramps drops down and out walks a blue and purple lady? they notice that she's supporting someone, wait TONY!!!!!! It's tony, struggling with a stab wound, bruce rushes forward immediately rushing tony to the med bay and he starts to operate he takes about 3 hours in surgery and that was plenty of time for them to get to know nebula. Who even though is his daughter hates him as much as everyone does. 

Now the avengers and others (bruce, tony, Nat, Cap, Carol, Nebula, Point Break) are watching the monitor that is going through all the missing avengers scott lang popped up as he is still a vigilante in a way, Shuri the black panthers sister, then someone none of them have ever met the kid looked about 15 years old but that still didn't explain why he was on the monitor as it is only supposed to show enhance people that had been added to F.R.I.D.A.Y's system or S.H.I.E.L.D agents or people like pepper potts, happy hogan or even helen cho so who the hell was this kid?

tony sighed, guess the genie's outta that bottle "that's peter parker or your friendly neighbourhood spiderman'' tony winced ready to get an earful about kids on the battlefield but the disappointed looks from everyone except nebula and carol showed tony that the team still didn't trust his judgement on different situations, it stung because even though they all left him for someone they'd known for an hour the fight started about the accords but it was really about bucky and the team questioning his judgement the one time he didn't choose for his interest and people wonder why he's acts so egotistical.

2 days later Nat takes the quinjet not telling anybody where she's going but one look on her computer shows that she found a location on Clint, he's alive. When she comes back clint's different he goes by the name Ronan with samurai sword strapped to his belt and his trademark bow nowhere to be found. the war changed everyone cap tells them that they should move on but what gives him the right to say that if he can't move on himself. 'some people move on, but not us'. 

Antman shows up a day before Clint returns and the heroes have to explain to him what happened when he said he got trapped in the quantum realm so he didn't know about the tragic events that took place all around the world, now he knows why cassie is missing. Carol understands the pain of loss but they're gonna have to move on if they want any chance at standing a chance against thanos, tony & nebula obviously also realise this so tony tells the  rest and they only agree when it's not tony suggesting the idea and nebula notices.

Tony's POV 

Peter is still oh sorry would still be (if he hadn't died on titan) the only person to trust my decisions on major things that affect the world, whenever i bother to show up to meetings pepper always tells me to be quite and she makes decisions for the company, Obadiah told me to lie to the press about his disappearance and to still manufacture weapons that are taking innocent lives everywhere (R.I.P Pietro). Now that i think back on it i can't remember last time that anyone besides peter trusted me, even strange challenged me about my idea that it safer for the world if we face thanos away from where he can kill people or get the stone's even though that didn't go my way and he threatened peter.

i act the way i do because i grew up knowing that i could never trust anyone even pepper because when i was suffering with PTSD (still am) she never tried to help and i don't blame her for not wanting apart of it but it showed me that when it gets tough she'll leave. Ironman is a part of me peter taught me that because spiderman is apart of him, i'll get you back peter

'whatever it takes'

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