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Hi everyone welcome yadda yadda yadda and other shit I mostly likely could yabber on about I got this idea from reading it on archive of our own but with my own twist and not the same so pls don't say I stole the idea it just gave me inspiration for this Warnings - Swearing as always
Third Person POV

It's been a week since the rogue avengers have been pardoned and a spider in particular not that anybody knows who he is except that he interns for tony was especially excited at first

He thought this might be his first real chance at having a family again after may died but he couldn't have been more wrong. They may be pardoned but tony doesn't talk to anyone other than Clint

Peter thought that they would put the past behind them if they really wanted the public to trust them as their protectors to save them from threats bigger than themselves

But no because apparently they are all children younger then peter or you would think so with how peter seems to be the only mature one in the group besides pepper

Even the black widow herself will not talk to some people it's like they want to be fugitives and with the way they all act it's affecting peter because of his enhanced hearing he can hear as they all fight long into the night

Peter moved In with tony after aunt may so because of lack of sleep, stress over school, patrol, the fighting, being ignored, bullying and injuries from patrol have increased because of lack of focus all of those things have factored into the emotional mess of Peter Parker

Pepper has been keeping a closer eye on Peter annoyed that he has to deal with stuff that adults should, not to mention how dead he looks she decides to offer Peter something to see if that can help if only temporarily

She walks around the tower she checks the kitchen and dining Room because it's night and his room eventually she found him on the roof starring up into the night sky looking lost

Pepper sighs "hey sweetheart" she calls Peter looks to her and smiles, pepper walks over to him and then continues "Peter I came here to offer you a place to live in my house to help you relax" Peter looked ready to protest

"Just think about it you also need to look out for what's best for you sometimes aswell" pepper gave him a hug then left to let him think. Peter thinks about it ways the pros and cons and decided begrudgingly that pepper is right and that he needs to leave for at least awhile

So the next day peter pulls out a bag to fit his stuff in and packs everything he needs then calls pepper to let her know what he decided and that he is ready to leave now

Thankfully pepper was in the tower anyway so she said to meet her in the common room. Peter made his way out there but he didn't count on them all to be in another screaming match

He can see Wanda looking ready to cry so he motions for her to come to him he whispers in his ear about leaving and asks if she wants to come she nods her head and leaves to her room

Peter shoots pepper a text to see if it's ok and pepper says sure but only them. Peter looks up as Wanda comes back out & he pulls her into an embrace as she sniffles lightly

Then the elevator dings and everybody sees pepper walking out she calls out to Wanda and peter that it's time to go and they walk straight into the elevator

2 hours later they are in the car on the way to peppers home in the back peter and Wanda are asleep with Wanda's head resting on his shoulder

It took 2 hours because Wanda freaked out and ran off eventually peter calmed her down and carried her to the car and they left off for who knows how long to stay with pepper

Peter feels super guilty about leaving but he knows it's the right thing to do so maybe that's why he feels even worse about doing it but he couldn't handle the fighting not anymore

For once he decided to be selfish and put himself first for the first time in his life and he hopes that the avengers can sort themselves out and become a family that he and Wanda can return to but for now they are runaways

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