If you find this recording........

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Hey everyone so another sad story for you all. I love the trailers for the movies so far so I decided to write a bit about it. Gotta quote tony stark so in honour of him is this chapter. OMG 10k views, no way did I ever think this would go so far, thank you so much.
Third Person POV

Don't feel bad about this, part of the journey is the end. Tony doesn't think he'll ever forget the feeling of such hopelessness, thinking that he had only hours to live. Somehow him and nebula were able to get the ship working and made it back with only seconds to spare

Then looking at the remaining avengers, he doesn't believe that it's a coincidence that the original 6 plus 2 gaurdians. No thanks had control of who died, so they will have to suck it up and move on. Although apparently the whole world needs to revolve around the captain, they thought tony was still heartless

But then pepper found the recording, showing the whole team. They watched as tony accepted the inevitable, the avengers will never come back. There broken and probably always have been, but they are moving past their personal affairs to save the world

Carol Danvers showed up in the compound not even a week later, ready for whatever would be waiting. She took over the roll as team captain with argument that she actually earned her title as captain in the military 

Harley spent months on end perfecting their gear (nebula & rockets too) Thor didn't disclose any information on what happened in the 2 years that he and banner went MIA but he seemed to have more burdens and a bit more mature out look on things, like he had to move on

His aim was on point this time, but he didn't seem to happy that they won. What the team doesn't know is that everyone he ever loved died before the snap, some only 42 hours before hand but that means they won't be coming back

Natasha couldn't bring herself to full put her trust in Bruce as he left last time, and Bruce well he became quite close with a certain Valkyrie. Bruce moved on and realised that he could never trust Natasha because of who she is

Steve and tony well they still stay as far away and have as minimal contact as possible but they will work together to get everybody back. Clint couldn't get the image of his family dying infront of him out of his head

What Tony said while on the guardians ship with nebula couldn't be more true, part of the journey is the end. This Is the end of the avengers, their final fight.

After this the avengers will be history, after they find thanos. After a whole lot of blood, sweat & tears (also the occasional curse word) they found him & they won, no sacrifices were made yet

Everything went back to as normal as possible, with the world forgetting Spiderman. Tony couldn't make a ship able to with stand the journey & the gaurdians ship was wrecked during the battle so they had to move on.

With the new avengers being formed and the old ones being partnered the world forgot that the vigilantes exsisted so that means that Spiderman was left in the dust

Peter and strange had gone with gaurdians after he made a ship with the others, Peter became close with quill bonding over the fact that they aren't taken seriously

The ship landed 3 years later at the avengers compound. Peter now 23 as it had taken 4 years to reverse the snap and then three years to get home to earth so Peter had definitely aged.

Peter decided to let the world know that Spiderman was back so he changed and started swing around the city with gaurdians flying with their packs and strange with the Cape.

People start shouting out welcome backs. I guess part of the journey is the end but beginnings are usually disguised by tragic endings, this is the end game. Thanos better watch his back

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