Going Back To The Start |3|

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this probably sounds but this is part 3 to my new beginning series which I'm guessing most of will have read I changed the name as I thought it suited this part better then the other name moving on. If you haven't read the other parts I would suggest going back and reading them first as this will make no sense if you don't, but if you have, enjoy!

Peter's POV

Going to the airport Harley seemed oddly excited which I've decided is a bad thing by this point, I also saw him stuff what looked to be his potato gun into his bag and I have a feeling I know why. Nerves eat away at me as we pull up the sound of the car shutting off signalling our arrival, I stay in some sort of haze as I walk towards the airport not really with it I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder only to turn around to look directly into Harley's concerned eyes I shake it off and smile what I hope to be reassuring before continuing to get checked in for the flight

After what seemed like forever and a day we finally sat down in the waiting area of our gates now it's just me and Harley as once you check your bags in, the area where family aren't allowed any further into the airport if they're not travelling so they shared a small moment before heading on through. Scrolling through Instagram I look at some photo's Deadpool posted recently which was him eating chimichangas which seems to be quite popular especially since his Bio is complaining about how I'm not there and I ditch him (Or well Spider-Man) and I can't keep the snort in which gets a curious look for Harley but he drops it quickly going back to whatever is so intriguing on his screen (which he found out later was Helix jump) I punch Harley's shoulder when he doesn't go to move when or plane is called to board. I grab his arm and his stuff as well as my own before dragging over and handing the lady our tickets as she smiles the most plastic smile before walking through the tunnel to the plane

plonking down in the seat I blow out a breath relaxing into the seat looking over at Harley who is once again captivated by the small device he holds in his hands. I grab my earbuds and plug them into the screen on the back of the seat in front of me selecting a playlist that seems to have some songs I like so I click play resting my head back as I let my eyes flutter closed letting the sound of the guitar lull me into a dreamless sleep.

4 Hours Later

I wake to find it's still dark and looking around I can spot several people sleeping. My eyes finally land on Harley who is sleeping with his head resting on the window I can also see a bit of drool rolling down his chin as he snores softly. My thoughts drift eventually landing on the man himself, Tony. God I don't know if any of this going to go well or not, May told him that I was okay but staying somewhere else but didn't tell him why 'Per my request' shaking my head with a breathy laugh a small smile finds a place on my lips, everything will work out I guess

I grab my phone to see a message from Harley, huh. I open it quickly going into messages and my heart nearly stops when I read it, 'I don't know what to do, how do I tell Peter I like him' i reread it about a million times obviously it's sent to the wrong person I think he was probably meaning to send it to Shuri as he has like 4 contacts in totally when I asked he responded with one word 'Bullying' pretty sure you get the picture so there's not many options

Deciding to let it go for now trying to ignore the quiet voice saying 'who would like you' but I shake it off opting not to waste more energy on something that can't be talked about till later. I scroll through the movies on the tablet in front same as I did before with the music and chose passengers letting out a long sigh I drown out the sound of my thoughts trying to focus on the movie in front of me and succeeding somewhat but it didn't stop my thoughts from drifting completely 'What's going to happen now?' 

Third Person POV

After a few hours later the plane touches down peter shakes Harley awake as Harley still managed to remain blissfully dead to the world until Peter slapped his face after shoving him didn't work, Harley's glare remained unaffected as he still looked and was half asleep so no he didn't look all that scary. Now comes the hard part, stopping Harley from committing murder while trying to talk out all previous problems, easy, not. Deciding that he might have to throw Harley over his shoulder or restrain him in a corner whichever works

Grabbing there stuff they head to Peter's old apartment walking nothing had changed, it looked like it did 3 years ago, he ran his fingers along the old wooden bench taking all the little imperfections that filled the space. Harley steps back to admire the quaint but homey apartment watching with a soft smile tugging on his lips as he watches Peter look around nostalgia gracing his features a comfortable silence filling the room. Peter shakes his head before picking up there somewhat small amount of luggage taking it off into another room. Harley ever curious investigates the apartment his eyes finally settling on 3 photos sitting on a bench. Looking at the first one it was unmistakenly a young Peter in the photo held on an unfamiliar lady's hip who's face had a beaming smile and man also smiling not noticing Peter watching from the doorway with a sad smile and tear threatening to fall

Moving on to the next photo it was of Peter slightly older this time on the back of a different man to the first one but there's an obvious resemblance between the two. Peter is smiling with his arms out to the side looking over at who Harley recognises to be the famous aunt Peter doesn't shut up about. Moving on to the final photo it's of Peter standing next to his aunt looking around 14 in this photo Peter smiling at the camera glasses lopsided as he holds an award for some sort of scientific achievement upside down his aunt positively beaming a proud smile worn on her lips, Harley startles as a soft laugh rings out from just behind him he looks over his shoulder to see Peter staring at the photo's barely visible tear tracks flowing down his face

"That was about 2 months after Uncle Ben died, first time I saw her smile a real smile since that day ben died" Peter croaks more tear escaping his eyes. A few hours later sees Harley and Peter curled up on the lounge together Peter telling Harley the story of his life and vice versa just letting it flow off their lips talking about it with someone felt great letting out all there worries to someone else finally gaining that level of trust between the 2. Abandoning plans to go to the tower today instead they put a movie on and spend the rest of the day just telling the other about anything and everything (well except spider-man) just taking time to slow down and relax for once as for the reason they came, well, they'll cross that bridge when the time comes but for now completely content on where they are right now

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