A Mask

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This is going to be about Peter and his daily life as Spiderman and how he copes, how he feels he's got to be for everyone else. This isn't as good because I'm feeling lazy but hopefully you guys like it!
Peter's POV

Over the years of being Spider-Man, I lost my sense of innocence at 15 when I dusted than everyone came back and I had to be fine, nobody really cared about me because apparently other people had it worse. I mean I get that other people suffered as well but shouldn't I be allowed to be a bit messed up

Over time I learnt how to mask my emotions to never show anyone, I met other vigilante's and teamed up with them I even teamed up with Wolverine. I've gotten so good that even Natasha can't tell when I'm faking, I have to be okay for everyone else because all of them get to take time to deal with the aftermath funny thing is 4 years later at 19 I still haven't been given the chance

Carol is the only person I trust besides tony and only she knows when I'm faking, it changed me everything I went through it was only a matter of time before I snapped and lost it and that time has already passed. I became a high-level agent for Fury who only a select group of people know he's alive. Oh and all the shit that happened when he went on his summer vacation that's when Fury came and recruited me and all the Mysterio shit yeah that was fun

I remember happy saying how alone I was, oh how true that is. I learnt to live with that and well even if it's hard I've managed till now haven't I? I head to the roof of an abandoned apartment complex watching over the city from atop it is one of the only things that can calm me down. my spider sense goes off in a warning that someone is there not dangerous but there, I turn around to see the devil of hell's kitchen I've never met him but I have heard of him from the Avengers they said he was dangerous but I trust my spidey sense more than them

it took months but slowly daredevil gained my trust through staying up together on late nights after he made me move into his apartment after he learnt that I was homeless because apparently, they needed the rooms for other people. Assholes

We became so close that we're practically inseparable wherever Spider-Man is daredevil isn't far behind vice versa. Matt knows that I hardly trust anyone anymore so he's honored, I smile more now and not a fake smile that I used to do it's nice to finally have a part of the old me back even if it's only small I feel lighter if that makes sense

Matt became a big brother to me the sibling I never had he understands the type of things that make you mask your emotions in my line of work and just how much I've been pushed for everyone else's benefit and it's my fault for letting them but I did it because we is more important than I, I did it because the world needs them so I'm not going to stand in the way of that

People call me innocent and nieve because I'm nice so I'm not allowed to be included in things because they don't want to ruin him, liar's it's their cover to get rid of me I'm not stupid I know when I'm not wanted. Harley's an asshole but I know it's only because that's his way of masking all the emotions that he doesn't want people to see, we keep in touch often so I guess you could say we are friends

I sit off to the side as Tony and Steve argue about the importance of Spiderman "The kid doesn't even get the meaning of being a hero because he's not a hero" Steve argues, ok fuck no. I stand up and walk in front of Steve "Well have you had to talk someone down from jumping before, watch as a man tries to take advantage of a young teenage girl and step in to stop it, try and explain to a kid after recusing them from a fire or something else why they won't see mummy and daddy again, have the police constantly putting you down while all your trying to do is what's right, I see all that stuff daily it's just the stuff I don't report so now tell me how I'm not a hero" Steve stares mouth agape in shock everyone else is staring in shock realizing that they really don't do as much as the others do

I storm off and destroy punching bag after punching bag blood dripping from my unwrapped knuckles, matt walks in and immediately knows just being able to hear the sound of another punching bag hitting the ground. The worst thing about having a mask is when you try to slowly let down your gaurd someone gives you a reason to build it back up

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