Runaway's |2|

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Anything I write or have written before is not meant to offend anyone please if you don't like something don't read there are so many stories where there's no female Peter personally I enjoy reading ones like that so please don't leave comments and just find something else you want to read instead even request something (which will be open soon) if you want something specific, I read the comments and have taken into account what they want to see but I write this for enjoyment not to please everyone though I will try just remember I have a life to. Ok enough of that, this could turn into a small series if you guys want so let me know, enjoy
Third Person POV

Running away was the right but hard decision they made, not wanting to leave but knowing they couldn't live properly in that invironment it wasn't healthy and when Pepper offered well they had no reason not to agree or well maybe they did but that's probably because they didn't want to lose what little family they finally found. Family was not something either of them really got the priviledge of having, a childhood was never something they got either both having been orphaned and alone with exception of may but nothing ever lasts, one day May got hurt she layed in that hospital bed this not being the first time, the difference, this time she didn't get back up

Wanda has always just been scared. She never got to go to school so she never got to learn, Peter taught her at home until she got inrolled to midtown. Wanda has very few people she trusts having thought H.Y.D.R.A would help her instead it did the opposite, so yeah she has trust issue's but who wouldn't after the life she's had and Peter well he made the list. Peter realised quickly that Wanda had never been taught hand to hand combat or how to fight with her powers so Peter called strange who came because he had a deit from before she wasn't going to ask to help her learn now it's been about a year and a half since they left and now they want them to come back so she's terrified millions of different thoughts circling around in her head nagging at her

Wanda's POV

The page blurs Infront of me as my breathing picks up, the words mix together in a jumbled mess suddenly I'm back there Steve yelling, Sam yelling, Natasha yelling even vision yelling. Hands grab my shoulders as I go stiff a voice saying something but everything sounds as though drown out by the sound of my thoughts circling my head. Slowly the voice sounds less distant and I start to make out someone infront of me I can't even remember not seeing anything I see Peter kneeling Infront of me watching me in concern
"Just breathe, copy my breathing, 1 and 2 again 1 and 2 there you go you're alright" Peter guides me until my breathing settles I close my eyes to focus, in out, in out, in out. The tears fall before I can stop them, Peter pulls me into an embrace as the tears turn to sobs as I bury my face into his chest trying some comfort we stay like this for what feels like years but in reality was only a few minutes. My sobs slowly fall to hiccups and Peter moves from the embrace to look me in the eyes
"Do you know what brought your panic on, don't tell me it's nothing because that was definitely something, come on wands it's only me you can trust me" Peter inquires gently
"I'm scared, scared of not being enough, scared of what they'll do if we go back, scared that I really am what H.Y.D.R.A turned me into and that I'll always be nothing more than that" I admit

"I won't let anything happen to you, you were never as bad as you think you are you're amazing for making it through everything you've been through nothing will ever change that or my opinion of you, I'll always be your brother" he whispers kissing my head as I sigh contently, Peter always makes me feel safe and like I am enough something I've found myself questioning more than once. Peter's become a little brother to me, he's helped me through heaps and I hope that one day whenever that may be I get the chance to repay the favour. My eyes grow heavier so I let them fall shut I rest my head against his chest letting the beating of his heart lull me to sleep even though it's only afternoon his calm aura soothing in a way. I'm happy I've got him by my side and I guess it's kinda like Pietro never left not that he'd ever replace him but it fills that place and helps me, I was kind of lost when he died, my thoughts fade as I let sleep take over

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