- Severed ties -

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Omg I'm so sorry this took so long this is a request from Lyonredfox i changed a tiny bit but I hope you like it I tried my best, I know you've been waiting for a while so I hope it meets your expectations, enjoy, sorry for any errors
Third Person POV

Civil War was an interesting experience at the least for all involved. Now Peter doesn't agree with what Steve did or the accords, I mean he's a vigilante so he'd rather not be told which bank robberies he could stop but Ross was found guilty of illegally imprisoning enhanced persons so the accords have been disbanded. The government of course decided that the rogues where to stay at the new compound indefinitely not exactly an ideal circumstance for all parties involved yet here we are. Peter also did some snooping in Starks servers finding footage of Siberia or more specifically what went down, now he can sympathize with Tony in a way that he had a similar reaction to seeing the guy that ended the life of his beloved uncle and he imagines it would be the same if he knew who killed his parents, he's not stupid he know's something went down he know's that they are well where S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

The more he thought about it he realised that the world needs heroes personal problems or not when they made the choice to become heroes they made the promise to always put others before themselves and right now that isn't what's been happening, they trashed an airport due to a moral disagreement at least Tony evacuated the airport before hand but that doesn't change the fact that what happened, happened. They decided to act childish and put their needs first something he won't stand for, Peter has lost just about everything you can lose all because he decided that he had the power so he can't sit by and watch the world fall apart not while he's capable of doing something. Peter didn't choose this life, he was happy as nerd with one friend, glasses way to big for his face and clothes way to big for his small frame but that was him then it all changed after that stupid spider but now if he thinks about he doesn't think he would change anything because he's become a better person because of it

Peter's POV

I walked through the tall glass doors of the tower, my senses immediately bussing a bit more than normal sort of like not a big threat but enough to be a least a little bit notable. I pause the sound of shouts echoing from the floors above workers around don't seem to hear it, so that means only I can hear it with my hearing. I head towards the elevator sending a smile towards the two gaurds of the tower them knowing who I am let me through, I step into the elevator
"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y take me to the level Tony is on" I request the elevator silently moving
vision flash in my head of decathlon Liz just a bit to close to falling the sound of her scream on repeat in my head. The ding of the elevator sounds as the silver doors slide open and suddenly the shouts are the only thing I can which I'm kind of thankful for, I look towards the board room the glass showing tony and the rogues yelling at each other I walk in the fighting ceases as they all look to me in confusion
"Hey Mr. Stark I heard yelling and yeah" I mumble my head down I hear a sigh before a hand is placed on my shoulder
"Hey kid, it's okay just go and wait up in the penthouse please I promise I won't be long" he responds rubbing the bridge of his nose in tiredness, I quickly make my way out and up to the penthouse putting on Brooklyn 99 a show I usually love but couldn't seem to focus on this time, my thoughts all over the place. The door opens Tony walks through an angry scowl on his face as he grips the coffee mug in his hand so tight that his hand goes white
"What was that about" I hestitanly ask not sure if it'll set him off
"The rogues are on house arrest here indefinitely I don't think I can handle being in the same room as terminator and spangles" though I  might not like them i knew that they are gonna have to come back at some point, i just didn't know when.

2 Days Later

Things didn't change much everyone wrote me off as a charity case which did sting a bit tony stayed in his lab almost constantly and Steve seemed to be about to lose it. I sigh as flop on my bed my hearing letting me hear Steve bitch about Tony to the rest of his team I can't even sleep at this point all sounds suddenly magnified at least I get back to Aunt May's soon only a few days, I'm here because she had to do overtime at the hospital as it has been running short on staff and she's still worries eventhough I'm nearly 17, I walk to the window and sit on the edge watching the rain trickle down little drops of rain remaining on the window. I don't remember a lot from when I have parents but one thing I do remember is mum would sit with me whenever it rained and we would just watch the rain fall she always said raindrops are the tears of the people above that had moved on from this world and I dunno it just makes it feel like she's hear every time it rains I sit and watch, everytime. Ben would never ask why he's just sit with me an arm round my shoulder till I fell asleep, my eyes squeeze shut as a tear rolls down my cheek, I stare at my reflection in the window did I make them proud or would they be digusted in who I've become a question with an answer I'll never know.

I can still hear them fighting though not telling anymore, might as well go down since I gave up on sleep. Not bothering to pull on a sweat shirt I walk down the stairs into the common room, I make a beeline for the kitchen not paying attention to how it all goes quiet I grab a coke a glass bottle one and turn around to see all eyes on me
"Peter Parker at your service" I mock bow before jumping on the counter taking a swig from the bottle
"Let me guess a product of your past" the obnoxious voice of Steve snorts in annoyance
"No actually an intern who manages to keep up in the lab and likes to but into my personal life" Tony responds with an affectionate eye roll
"Like I get that you guys have problems but do you think you could save this for when I'm not trying to sleep" I ask sarcastically already knowing the answer
"You should show more respect" captain frowns
"I'll only show respect to people I respect" I fire back
"kid just head back up or something please" Tony pleads and a small part of him feels guilty but he knows neither of them will budge otherwise
"No you guys need to sort it out" I remain stubborn
"Kid go bother your parents or something you're helping no one" Tony snaps

I physically flinched at the comment unable to stop the tears from gathering at the corners of my eyes. I run out, I use the fire escape. I run out onto the crowded streets of New York the rain pelting down on my skin as I run to the all familiar queen's streets all the way up to my apartment a sickening smell of blood fill my nose. My senses blaring into the side of my skull I rush towards my apartment door a pool of dread filling in my stomach the smell of blood increases when I step through the door
Yr"May" I call out my voice straining, no response. I walk into the lounge room and stop dead at the sight, may laying in a pool of her blood a knife a few metres away wind blowing through the open window. I go to my knees and closed my eyes before closing May's a stray tear falling, I grab my phone
"Hi I found my aunt with a stab wound and she won't wake up, apartment 41b in Terrance tower apartment building" I manage before hanging up after the lady says they will be dispatching emergency services, I turn my attention to the knife glistening with the red liquid on the tip I pick it up sliding it into the inside of my jacket before making my way to the roof

I sit on the edge of the roof looking at the knife  I mean I got nothing left now, one stab and I could be back with mum, dad and Ben one move and it's all over maybe that would be best for, everyone. I spin the knife before turning it on myself and stab it into my stomach a blinding white pain explodes in my abdomen I fall to the side biting my tongue to hold in the scream, I gripped the knife clenching my teeth before ripping the blade out falling to the side as blood leaks from stomach my watch buzzes as I fall to the side I hear the sound of repulsors in the distance. My vision fades I stare one last time at the New York sunrise as the city wakes up for a new day and a smile finds it way to my face as I look out on my beloved city my eyes shut just as I hear the metal clunk of a suit but it all fades away

Third Person POV

Tony found Peter bleeding out on the roof and rushed him to the med bay praying for a chance to apologise to him it killed him sitting, watching the rise and fall of Peter's chest as he lay on a hospital bed wired to what seemed an endless amount of machines, he wouldn't leave his side not for anything. Tony couldn't stop the tears from falling when Peter mumbled his name after an insane amount of tears, hugs and apologies everything ended up alright as they sat on lounge watching a movie while everyone was watching intensely Peter leaned over and whispered in his ear "thanks for everything, dad" before his attention was drawn back to the movie. Tony however stayed paralyzed, shocked, before a large smile made it's way to his face and his last thought before going back to the movie 'I guess everything really did work out' and everything it always seemed to there a team again and nothing is going to change that

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