Never got the chance

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Hi guys so this gonna be a Peter ignored & bullies by the avengers because he is the smallest & supposedly the weakest, Peter decides that he's not gonna take all the shit anymore so he gives it to the team(except tony, Bruce & Bucky)
Peter's POV

So my life has never been the best, I accepted long ago that I'm broken but now I thought things would change, the avengers all hate me I can tell because all they is complain about me when they think I can't hear them, but that's the thing about enhanced hearing you hear everything even if you don't want to, I hear as they pile insult after insult about me in their down time, I do have a special spot for bucky, Bruce and tony because they treat me as an equal and know the shit fest that I call my life,huh, maybe the saying about meeting your idols is true

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a knock, I open the door to reveal a very irritated looking Bucky "I'm literally a second way from killing them" he says exasperated, I decide that

I'm finally gonna confront them but first I make sure my suit and mask are secure no one but tony knows my identity so, anyway I turn back to Bucky " time to stop it" he nods

I storm into the common room, everyone looks up I sigh "let's skip the pleasantries if you got something to say at least have the decency to say it to my face" I spit, " Well we were discussing it and made a decision that if you don't take off the mask your off the team" cap orders, then "he's probably just a reckless runaway kid" Sam groans "oh believe me if I'm my parents we're alive and I had met them that's where I'd be" I retort, I see guilt wash over their faces, I continue " So I've got the sad superhero backstory, a valid reason to become one and am friendly I don't see how I can't be one"I insist, Cap turn to sigh "but you cover your face, that means your hiding something" huh, I close my eyes, then look back at Cap "I guess you really should never meet your idol, your all selfish bastards, sitting up here when there could be a little girl in an alley way getting shot but you don't go because it's not significant enough for such almighty people such as yourselves, so now I kindly tell you all to go fuck yourselves" I say in a very sophisticated accent, I then Hightail it out of the room Bucky not far behind after also yelling, I wander aimlessly until I find myself outside a room that looks to be a sort of music room, Bucky & I walk in I slid onto the piano Bench bucky sat next to me, I started to play
"I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue
I can stay awake for days if that's what you need
Be your number one,
I can fake a smile, I can force a laugh
I can dance and play the part of that's what you ask
Give you all I am,
I can do it,
I can do it,
I can do it,
But I'm only human,
And I bleed when I fall down ,
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down,
Your words in my head,
Knives in my heart,
You build me Up then I fall apart,
Because I'm only human,
Ooh woah ooh,
I can turn it on,
Be a good machine,
I can hold the weight of worlds if that's what you need,
Be your everything,
I can do it,
I can do it,
I'll get through it,
Cause I'm only human,

I finish at that hug Bucky and start to cry into his shoulders. He clears his throat "so why do you use a mask?" Bucky inquires curiously, looking genuinely interested

"We'll I have to protect myself for once I've lost everyone so if covering my face can protect that than so be it" I sigh then I hear movement undetectable to the normal ear

I lift my head and move so the arrow just whiz's past my face. Startled me and Bucky jump up to find the avengers ready to attack

"Spiderman won't take off the mask so we ask he comes quietly to be turned into sheild" Cap orders

I guess I since May died & my friends left there's no point hiding it now "ok, I'll take of the fucking mask" slowly I pull the bottom off my mask up then with one quick movement it's off leting the team see the face of their new member of the team

They all stare in shock to learn that Spiderman is just a 16 year old kid, that is wise beyond his years. "You're just a kid" Cap whispers horrified "I never was a kid I had to grow up to fast" I snap "now that I think about it I never got the chance to do alot of things in my life that normal kids, I have nothing left but I fight to make sure others don't have to suffer like I have, so they can enjoy the little things" I finish with a spine shivering glare

It was then as they watched Spidey stormed out that they needed to apologise, they need to gain his forgiveness, unfortunately they never got the Chance

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